
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Restful Busy Day.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

By sticking it out and not going to sleep earlier than we normally do last night I only woke once to roll over. By my sleeping all night helped Kathy catch up on her lack of sleep as well. I was wide awake by 8:00 this morning but left Kathy sleep past 9:00 before waking her. 
After another simple breakfast of cereal and coffee we headed to the computers. By 11:00 Kathy had moved onto sorting through the photographs that she plans on passing on to the kids. I continued reading and commenting on some of the blogs that we follow until lunch time.  Kathy made us some perogies for lunch while I peeled some fruit for dessert.  
Once we were finished eating I headed out to do some measuring on the truck. The new mud flaps are larger than the ones I had on the truck before. The old ones were meant for a pickup with dual rear wheels but the new ones would fit a semi. I also wanted to raise them off the ground by an additional two inches so I had to cut them. At least now I’ll never have to worry about hooking them on a curb when the trailer is attached to the truck. 
I brought one of the leveling planks for the trailer from the back of the truck up to the apartment to use as a cutting board and managed to cut both mud flaps to the length they needed to be. Since I’m also planning on adding lights to the trim pieces for the mud flaps I got that all laid out and center marked.  Now I still need to drill not only the upper mounting holes in the mud flaps but the holes in the stainless trim pieces. 
I stopped around 5:00 because we were expecting a call from our daughter Karen. She and Greg were crossing the border tonight to attend a night club act in Detroit that they had tickets for. Since Kylla is working Tyler needed a place to hang out and sleep over for tonight. What better place than with grandma and grandpa. 
Tyler had hockey tryouts for the travel team this afternoon so he needed a quick shower to freshen up. Karen called just before 6:00 so we headed the few blocks over to pick him up. Since he had not eaten supper yet and neither had we it was Tyler’s choice to go to Taco Bell to eat. We all got what we wanted at a reasonable price and were very satisfied. 
Once back at the apartment we all changed into our swimsuits and headed for the pool. This was the first time Kathy and I used it since it has been refinished and since we got home from Florida and it felt wonderful. It is less than two weeks to my hernia operation so we better use it now because I’ll have to avoid the pool until the doctor says I can swim afterwards. Once we had showered off back in the apartment I made us ice cream cones to cap off our evening. 
Tomorrow we have plans for supper so I’m not sure what we’ll get into before that. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Office Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes

All I want is less to do, more time to do it, and higher pay for not getting it done.

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