
Friday, June 7, 2013

Change of Pace.

Our Location today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

By the time the 11:00 o’clock news was finished last night Kathy’s eyes were already closing. My eyes were once again wide open. The same thing happened earlier this past week. I finally gave up trying to be tired and laid down in bed for nearly an hour before getting back up to read the latest blogs posted. I finally lay back down and saw the clock indicating it was past 6:00 in the morning before drifting off to sleep. The one thing is when I’m not in bed Kathy can sense it and she doesn’t get the deep sleep that she needs. 
Some time back I had mentioned how I believed that this problem I have may have something to do with the sleep habits I had during my career. Having worked for over 36 years in the private manufacturing industry the Skilled Trades of the plant are what kept the machines running. Trades worked three shifts around the clock and most days were twelve hour shifts and many times seven days a week. The lack of sleep I experienced back then is very much like what is happening to me now. Life is a seven day a week job without the sense of urgency as it is supposed to be much more relaxed but as the saying goes our past comes back to haunt us. 
I was wide awake by 9:00 this morning and did not feel the least bit tired because I was probably running on Adrenalin. Kathy’s arms are still bothering her this morning but she is starting the higher dosage of medication today as prescribed by her doctor. Hopefully she’ll start feeling some relief but if this medication has not started working after one month she’ll be telling her doctor she needs something that works. 
We spent a fairly quiet day reading and researching on the computers. I am also continuing cleaning old files and getting rid of more STUFF from my computer as well as changing a program on Kathy’s PC. For supper I grilled a couple of hamburgers on the Weber Q and as usual they turned out great. 
I’m finally starting to feel tired but I’ll wait until later before going to bed so that I will sleep all night. Tomorrow we’ve got lots of things to do. Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You know your daddy's C.B. handle, but not his real name.


  1. I agree...we could sleep later in the mornings, but we are usually up about 5:30. We got up at that time to go to work for over 30 years!

    Hope the meds help Kathy and she is feeling better soon.

  2. I hope that new dosage of medicine does help Kathy.

    I hate when I cannot sleep. I feel like I am in a fog the entire next day.

  3. I hope Kathy feels better soon. As for insomnia, I could be a poster child. My "M.O." is to go to sleep for 3-4 hours, then wake up and be wide awake. I usually get on my computer and/or read. :-(.
