
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tiring Day

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

Kathy was scheduled for her yearly medical exam this morning so we set the alarm to be sure we were there on time. Those of you that have been reading us for a while know that's a problem. The problem is Subconciously we know the alarm is set and therefore neither of us sleep properly. Now top that off with fasting. Kathy has to fast for this physical which includes blood tests. If Kathy doesn't eat I will also fast so as not to tempt her by eating in her presence.  Now here is the Icing on the cake her family doctor chose this week to be away but left a substitute Physician to fill in for her. This substitute also  has student doctors tagging along and learning.
A Physical that normally takes 30 to 45 minutes including blood test lasted over two and a half hours. By the time we left both our sugar levels had dropped and we were starved. Kathy had packed a small snack for us but it wasn't enough. On the way home I stopped to schedule the safety for the truck for next Thursday.

As we were leaving there Kathy and I spotted a little diner called The Backroad Cafe. Without hesitation we pulled in for lunch. The place was packed but there was a constant flow of people coming and going. The prices were very reasonable and the food was great. We'll definitely be going back there.

Because we are no longer home owners our insurance company now needs all kinds of proof and photos of things that they have insured for us for years as home owners. So being tired out from this morning we spent the rest of the afternoon photographing all kinds of things and there is still more to do.
Kathy needed a nap after a draining morning.
Tomorrow Kathy plans on cooking at home while I'm working on the electrical protection system in the trailer. Slowly everything is starting to take shape before Kathy and I hit the road  in 17 days. It also means that Summer is only 34 days away. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


You might be a Redneck if

Your dog's tied to an engine block.


  1. You're a lucky man. If I took a picture of my wife sleeping and ...well, just stop right there.
    It wouldn't be "good", let's just say?
    Tests suck. I'm not sure which is worse, the fasting, the lack of sleep due to the anticipation, or actually being there.
    At least you got past it. Hope there are no surprises when it comes to the results.

  2. Getting things done, and out of the way. The weather is warming up nicely now for us, loving it!

  3. Sooo, where will you be off to?
