
Friday, May 18, 2012

One Step Closer

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

This morning Kathy had plans to do some cooking and needed to pick up a few items at the grocery store. So after I finished packing and Kathy made me a lunch bag I headed to work on the trailer.
Up to this time we had always counted on the Campgrounds we had used as having properly wired pedestals. In 2010 we ran into some people that complained of the power in their pedestals not working properly and had caused electrical damage. The reason is many times maintenance and even the installation is done by non-qualified people that have no idea of what they are doing.
So we had made an investment into the safety of the trailers electrical system. We had invested in a Hardwired Electrical Management System with Smart Surge with remote display. The cost of this unit is far less then starting to repair any of the appliances we have in our trailer. The reason we chose the hardwired version is that whether we are plugged into 15, 20, 30 or 50 amp service the unit is connected and protecting the trailer and nobody can see it. We had purchased a portable unit for our older trailer that we never used. It was two thirds the price of a hardwired unit but there was no way of safeguarding it from theft. Todays models have been improved but they are still visible.
I installed the unit today and one problem was that I had to empty out the basement in order to remove the walls that was behind our power distribution panel. The next problem was that I had miscalculated the length of wire that I needed to jumper between the Management System and Distribution Panel so it was short. The last problem was with everything out of the basement it would have taken an hour to put it all away and another half an hour to remove it again. I called Kathy to see if she would mind trailer sitting for the half hour it would take to fix my Boo Boo. Luckily she had planned on going to the Mall which meant she was going to have to drive past the storage yard anyways.
She arrived in twenty minutes and I was back in forty. Not the half hour I'd planned but close. Kathy left for the mall and I finished working on the trailer without losing an hour and a half. Our trailer is now protected against Reverse Polarity, Open Ground, High Voltage, Low Voltage, High Frequency, Low Frequency and Power Surges. If any of these problems arise the Management System will shut down the power to our trailer and protect our investment.
Another thing scratched off the to do list before we hit the road to Shipshewana, Indiana in 16 days and the warm weather of Summer arriving in 33 days. Be Safe and Enjoy!
It's about time. 


Where do fish keep their money?

In the river bank.


  1. Rick, I think you'll find you have bought some cheap insurance that will give you a lot of peace of mind. Congratulations.

  2. That sounds like a good unit and something that is very important. We have a plug in unit but it seems to do a good job. I can see where a hard-wired unit would be advantageous.

  3. A good surge protector is very important in an rv especially if you are moving around.

  4. Our surge protector has saved our butts MANY times! Have you been to Shipshewanna before? That's our hometown area! contact us if you need any suggestions for restaurants to visit or places to shop! :-)
