
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Juggling Day

Our Location Today is Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada.

After finally getting to sleep in the early hours of this morning I awoke with a chill. Remembering that I'd closed all the roof vents last night I was confused at this cold sensation I was experiencing. Suddenly I realized all my covers were missing and could not be found. By turning on a nightlight that was plugged in the covers were found. Kathy is more tolerant of the cooler temperatures then I am but has developed a habit of gathering the covers and cuddling them in a hard to break grip while she sleeps. After a little nudging and poking she finally turned over leaving all the covers in a pile in the middle of the bed.

After setting the alarm last night and not thinking of it we woke ten minutes later then planned because the battery in the clock stopped working basically with a continuation of yesterdays luck. With a quick breakfast behind us I was off to use the power saw to cut materials for the added storage. We waited to do this after the grandsons were gone to school because loud noises really bother Cameron because he has very sensitive hearing.

Once we completed as much of the work as we could we changed our pace. If you recall I have posted our tow vehicle must pass a Yearly Safety Inspection before it can be replated for another year. Since we needed further supplies for the trailer we headed out to purchase them and go back to our apartment put everything in the car then go drop the truck off for its scheduled inspection. The inspection is scheduled for Early AM Tomorrow before a time I plan on being awake for. So when it's complete we'll go pick it up. After another quick stop we were back at the trailer at Kevin and Melissa's.

The boys were home from school by this time so I managed to layout further materials for cutting with the power saw in the morning but did actually cut a number of pieces of trim using the hand powered mitersaw.

After enjoying a nice barbecued supper with salad and potato chips we had an early celebration of Kevin and Melissa's 16th wedding anniversary since they won't be here to celebrate it this weekend. This was a different kind of Wednesday night visit that we had tonight but we are starting to see results of our work.

There is much planned for tomorrow for the trailer and we'll keep chipping away at the chores until they are all complete considering we will be on the road in 11 days and seeing the start of Summer in 28 days. We apologize for the lack of pictures for the last few days wife signal not very strong and we are still Mooch-docking at Kevin and Melissa's. Happy Anniversary Kids! Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


If a band plays music in a thunderstorm,

who is most likely to get hit by lightning?

The conductor.