
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Best laid plans !

Our Location Today is Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada.

Saturday, May 26,2012

Well today is Saturday and we were suppose to be home with the 5th wheel today. Well we were suppose to be home and the 5th wheel was suppose to be parked at the storage yard. Just NOT happening.

By the way Richard isn't writing this blog, I am (Kathy).  We started out doing really well.  We arrived on Tuesday at our son's home in Amherstburg and got parked in their driveway and hooked up to hydro & water.  I made supper and we enjoyed our meal together with Missy & Kevin having a nice visit.  We were ready to get started on Wednesday first thing in the morning by measuring and cutting the wood and getting it stained ready to install in the various places that required more storage.That part went really well with Kevin helping us.  On Thursday Richard started the wiring he intended to do and got that pretty much run through the basement and ready to be connected.  Thursday night he said he wasn't feeling very well and took a couple of extra strength tylenol.  He told me the next day he had a toothache and hoped it would go away.
On Friday it started getting worse and he tried to continue with his job at hand but it just wasn't going as well as he anticipated.  I thought he should go to the dentist ASAP but he said it will probably feel better in the morning. (NOT)  This morning, Saturday he was in very bad pain and finally asked me to call the dentist which I did.  I am very glad they had room to squeeze him in.  We were at the dentist by 10:00AM.
He has antibiotics to take and continue to take pain killers. He has an absessed tooth.

We were suppose to have the outside kitchen cupboard done and the fridge back in this morning and be on our way taking the wood that was finished and maybe completing that another day.
We got hit with very bad thunderstorm and lots of rain mid day.
By 2:00 pm he attempted to continue outside with the kitchen and couldn't do it.  So he has been in bed hoping the pain killers and the antibiotics will kick in real soon.

I don't think I want him to be driving just yet let alone pulling a 38 ft. 5th wheel feeling the way he is feeling. So our moochdocking situation is getting to be a little longer than we wanted or hoped it would be.
I know that Kevin & Missy thought it would only be about 3 or 4 days and so did we so I know they will understand the situation and we appreciate their kindness in allowing us to stay until Richard is ready to drive.

I told Richard to not worry about the blog until he is feeling better.  So check back often and I will keep you updated or perhaps Richard will feel well enough to write a short blog tomorrow.

We hope our plans follow through.

It's about time.
Rick & Kathy Rousseau


  1. Hopefully this is a minor setback and he will be feeling better soon. "It's no fun being sick if you don't feel good!"

  2. That does not sound like a good thing. I hope Rick's tooth heals up soon. Nothing quite as painful as an abscessed tooth.

  3. Rick, wishing you a speedy recovery and hope your back on your feet soon. Kathy, thanks for keeping us up to date.

  4. hope the abscess tooth pain is gone soon!..enjoy the weekend as best you can!

  5. Having tooth pain is not fun. Most of us have had it and can relate. I'm hoping it's gone soon. Then, get him to the dentist!

  6. Good luck with the abscessed tooth, not fun for sure, I have had my share of them. The beauty of this lifestyle is you have your home with you, and if need be can just stay put. I am sure your son will understand given the circumstances.
    We are were visiting Suzie's brothers for a week and shortly after we left had to return, their mother in the hospital waiting for surgery, probably here for a months, they do understand, no problem.
