
Friday, March 2, 2012

No Time To Blink.

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.

The Sunshine was the perfect way to wake up this morning. Right after breakfast I was getting ready to go do the laundry when Kathy returned a call to our Accountant's office. Before I could do the laundry we had to go sign our Tax Returns so they could be E-Filed on our behalf. As we were leaving the building we saw a notice posted at the stairwell door stating the water would temperarily shut off this afternoon. If your as confused as we were then you're catching on. My chances of doing laundry today were very slim, not impossible just slim.

We were a half hour ahead of our appointed time so we stopped to fill Kathy's car with gasoline. After we arrived and waited our turn to see our Accountant Tracy someone that came in to drop off their Tax Returns  just happened to have a preschooler or baby in their arms had a problem. All those little ones started waving and trying to share their toys with us. This is something that happens to Kathy and I all the time and not just little ones. We often think we are wearing a sign that says we are easy to talk to and the little ones read it as Grandma and Grandpa.

Tracy our accountant has always been a fan of our travels and is always thrilled to hear how our trips turned out and what we have planned for this year. It was like a social visit more than an appointment but we don't mind because we see people wishing they were doing what we do.

We left just on time to make it to Wendy's because as we sat down the place filled with people on their lunch break. From there we headed over to the Devonshire Mall so Kathy could check if the new order of pants had come in. I needed to have an adjustment to my phone done so I dropped Kathy off at Sears and went to get my errand done with plans to walk down to Sears and then we could do some mall walking.

Remember how I said people we don't know talk to us well so do people that do know us. I walked in the door in the mall and here's Andy who I used to work with before I retired. Forty-five minutes later and he realized he had an appointment so it was good luck and hope to see you again soon. I thought Kathy had to be pacing the floor by now but I still stopped in to get my phone adjusted. Ryan fixed me up in flash and apologized for the problem even though it wasn't him that caused it (Good Kid). We're still talking when another person I used to work with shows up and starts talking.

Now it has been almost two hours since Kathy has seen me but she knew that I had probably ran into old coworkers so she continued looking and had just finished shopping when I arrived. She didn't mind because she always feels guilty that she's keeping me from something when we go shopping. I really don't mind it just happened today that I had something else occupying my time. After leaving the Mall we stopped for baking supplies so Kathy could do some baking for tomorrow.

By the time we got back to the apartment it was raining like crazy. The water had been turned back on so I got the laundry done. Tonight we are being slammed by heavy winds from the storms that produced the Tornadoes in Kentucky and Tennessee. Hopefully when Spring arrives in 18 days the weather will calm down enough for me to get the work I need to do on the trailer completed. Be Safe and Enjoy!

It's about time.


A drunk staggered onto a bus and sat down next to an

elderly vicar. "You may not know it," said the vicar sternly,

"but you're going straight to hell."

"Oh my God," said the drunk leaping to his feet.

"Let me off. I'm on the wrong bus."

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