
Thursday, March 1, 2012

He's Down Again.

Our Location Today is Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada.
It's a good thing my back wakes me up so we don't have to listen to the alarm clock. After a slightly restless night I was up and about by 8:00 am and Kathy followed minutes later.

Kathy had called to see how Tyler was doing last night and Karen figured he might be going to school this morning, but asked if we could drive Kylla back to her Orthodontist and to school. We said no problem but added if Tyler wasn't well enough for school in the morning would we watch him for the day.

Well even with the Antibiotics and childrens Tylenol he was still running a good fever this morning and was hard to wake up. So when I picked up Kylla, I also picked up Tyler who spent the day sleeping on our couch again. We still had to give him more Tylenol again after lunch which he hardly ate. That is definitely a sign that he's sick. He was coughing and running a fever with ear aches most of the day. When we brought him home Greg was thinking of taking him back to the doctor's. Luckily Kathy and I have only had minor symptoms since the other day but nothing serious. We usually catch everything going around. Get well Tyler!

Warning this cake is not Diabetic Friendly

Kathy and Ross with Grandson Liam Helping
We were invited to have dinner with our long time friends Kathie and Ross to help them celebrate a belated 34th wedding anniversary. The meal was wonderful and truly delicious. Ross is still working security in Godrich and gets four days off every four weeks. It was an enjoyable evening with lots of conversation towards all our future plans.
Murphy's glad Dad's home too.

Happy 34th Anniversary
Well after all the rain we had yesterday it has been overcast all day with the forecast of warmer but rainy weather for tomorrow. Even though Spring is only 19 days away it sure sounds like Spring weather to me.

It's about time.


Two rabbits were being chased by a pack of wolves.

The wolves chased the rabbits into a forest.

After a few minutes one rabbit turned to the other and said,

"Well, do you want to make a run for it or

stay here a few days and outnumber them?"


  1. Too bad Tyler is still sick. That's no fun. What a nice looking anniversary cake and glad you got to celebrate with your friends.

  2. great looking cake hope tyler feels better really soon...
