
Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

It’s no use going to bed if I’m not the least bit tired, but after Ninety Minutes of napping in my Recliner changed that completely. I then spent almost the next Seven Hours sleeping in Bed. That was only interrupted when I became quite Cold, because someone started snuggling the blankets in her sleep. It would take nearly an Hour before I managed to get partially covered enough to warm up.

It was just past 8:00 when I got out of bed and had barely gotten in the other room when Kathy came out to join me. That called for a morning snack as our breakfast, so we’d have lunch almost on time.

We spent the rest of the morning doing what we do best at our Computers. I managed to find a couple names that I didn’t want to see where I read them. The first was Dennis who retired at the same time as I did from the Casting Plant. He always tried to help anyone that was having a bad day.

The other was Lynn, that worked at the old Canadian Blood Services building, where I used to donate Whole Blood. She used to listen to some of my stories of our travels, saying she and her husband wanted to do something like that, but said he wasn’t retiring until 2025. Enjoy your travels Lynn.

We shared a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Spinach Pizza with added Olives for lunch.

We’re still making Plans to hopefully head back to the Southwest next Winter, but that can always change. I have a list of people that we’d be stopping to visit along the way. That would also slow our travels down so we wouldn’t be so tired. That is also why I will be very busy working on our Trailer when the weather improves.

With the 35 MPH Wind Gusts rattling our Railing, we found things to fill the time. Watching the Weather Report throughout the day, I laughed when Today’s High kept on increasing. This morning it was shown to be 43 F (6 C) but by supper the temperature had reached 55 F (13 C).

We had All-Beef Hotdogs for supper with Asparagus for a side, along with another thin slice of Tuxedo Cake for dessert. Like I said before, my slices are thinner than Kathy’s

Looking out the Balcony Door most of the ground covering had disappeared. The 6 o’clock Local News showed a few more days of Spring like weather, before it drops back to Seasonal on the weekend.

After cleaning up today’s Dishes, we watched Will Trent”, “The Rookie” and “High Potentialfor entertainment.

I know we’ll be getting out tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What do you call a duck who gets straight A’s?

A wise quacker!


  1. Hi Rick & Kathy - Any plans for getting out for some local camping trips this spring/summer?

  2. Thanks for the travel hope update. Good luck.
