
Monday, February 17, 2025

Comments Cleared Up and Plane Crash.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I wasn’t outside very long yesterday but it was enough to help me sleep when I went to bed last night.

We enjoyed Cereal for breakfast this morning, in part to get our bodies back on track.

Our time on the Computers this morning helped us get caught up on News that we had missed over the weekend.

In response to Comments about tilting the Solar Panels on our Trailer. I had basically just begun to add Solar on our Avalanche when we upgraded to the Eagle Supreme, but in both cases, those Solar Panels could be all be tilted manually at varying angles. Just like our downsizing to a shorter Trailer, the reason I am considering having them Electrically Tiltable is, if I can no longer climb to the roof to raise or lower them, Kathy can do it with the push of a button. We won’t be monitoring their efficiency like some people do, but from Personal Experience, they will be more efficient being tilted during the Winter. In the Summer, the Panels can charge the Battery Bank while staying flat, because the Sun will be practically directly overhead.

When I researched 12 Volt Actuators the other day, I only looked locally and was shocked at how expensive they were. When I checked Amazon this morning, they were priced much more reasonably for the same product.

The Planning is still a work in progress, but I hope to have it all figured out and installed by Summer.

By noon the Wind had started picking up, and the outside temperature was sitting at 16 F (-9 C) but feeling much colder, so we had Split Pea Soup for lunch. We finished our Coffees at the Computers where the sound of the Wind had increased.

I did a better job of bundling against the wind today, before finishing the task of cleaning the Car and Truck of the last few days accumulation. I was surprised at how many vehicles there were in the parking lot, then I remembered that this was a fairly new Holiday, called Family Day.

The Sun occasionally peeked from behind the Clouds, which made it easy to do the Car, but the Truck was a little trickier. It is taller than the Car and had not been used lately, so there was a buildup of Ice under the Sxxw. I got it as best as I could but due to my hands and face being frozen from the 38 MPH Wind Gusts, I headed inside.

When I walked in the Apartment, Kathy was watching News about a Plane Crash at Toronto’s Pearson Airport. Though there were Injuries and the Plane destroyed laying upside down, but luckily there were no Fatalities at the time. The presumed cause of the Crash was Severe Wind Gusts.

We shared a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Meat-Lovers Pizza, while we continued watching the News.

Thinking we needed to watch something less repetitive we watched Elsbeth”, “Murdoch Mysteries”, “Rescue: Hi-Surf” and “Sight Unseen”. Though it had been researched before, there was lot of channel changing necessary this evening.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


I searched on E-bay for something to light my candles with.

It said, "No matches found.”

1 comment:

  1. It looked like the rear landing gear collapsed when it set down. Glad everyone was okay.
