
Friday, December 6, 2024

Missing Food and Summer Fare.


Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

It seems that I am following a pattern. I have one good nights and then those that are a bit sketchy, before it becomes nearly impossible to sleep. Last night was sketchy, though I did wake up feeling rested.

Thankfully, there was no need to be up early, but I was awake by 7:30 this morning, which meant that I was again up before the Sun (7:46). After getting things partially ready for breakfast I headed off to my Computer.

I achieved reading all my messages as well as the Blogs we follow, before checking in on what was happening on Facebook. That was when I noticed the time and that Kathy was not up yet. Remember how I’ve mentioned that if I don’t sleep well, neither does Kathy.

The first thing I did was to open the Bedroom Blinds. When I turned around, I saw Kathy had her head covered under the blankets. I slowly tugged them down only to have to repeat the process. When she asked what time, it was, she threw the covers off and sat up in one move, when I told her.

It didn’t take long to finish getting our Brunch ready, while Kathy checked her Blood Sugar Levels. It was 8.4 which is about as low as she has ever gone.

There were other things to get caught up back at the Computers, like the fact that we were drinking Hot Apple Cider.

We accumulated a Grocery List larger than Tuesday’s. Even though the temperature was above Freezing, the Thirty MPH Southwest Winds made it feel much colder. We had no choice but to go for a walk.

First thing was a stop at Harvey’s (a Canadian Brand only) for supper. All the Fast Food Chains have a different taste and for us Harvey’s is the best. Kathy had a Side Salad instead of French Fries, while I had Onion Rings.

Thinking we didn’t need anything from Dollarama we simply drove straight to Zehr’s grocery store. We managed to find Ninety % of our needs. It appears that Food Stores have been removing things from the shelves that they consider, Summer Fare. We’ll have to try other stores.

Even after using our Folding Two Wheel Shopping Cart to bring everything upstairs we were both frozen from the Blowing Wind. We listened to the 6 o’clock Local News while putting things away. It was also at that time, that we realized what we had needed at Dollarama. It’s on a shorter list for tomorrow.

We watched a cute Hallmark Christmas Movie for the night.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You've entered an insanity plea in small claims court.

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