
Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Another Adjustment and Flat Bread Pizza.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I slept so well overnight, that I was wide awake by 6:30 this morning. I had time to get things ready to make breakfast as soon as Kathy joined me at 7:45. Staying up later at night, seems to let my body be tired before forcing it to rest.

We enjoyed our Toast and Juice at the table before taking our Tea to the Computers. Once we’d checked all our messaging, I had something else to work with.

When we picked up our New CPAP Machines yesterday, we were asked about any special settings we wanted. Because these are Automatic Machines, Ron programmed them for us. It wasn’t until after supper last night that I remembered something I forgot to mention.

Once we are asleep, we both tend to be Shallow Breathers and when that happens, the Machines stop pumping air for us to breath, thinking we have left the room. That causes us to wake up “Gasping for Air”. When the Machine senses us Gasping it then gives us a big blast of air.

I tried both Machines this morning and they both Failed because they were set to Automatic. A quick call to Vital-Aire snagged us a couple of quick adjustments for this afternoon.

Since we’d be away later, I added Mushrooms, Cherry Tomatoes and Mozzarella Cheese to a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Spinach Pizza for our lunch. By the time we finished eating, it was time to head out the door.

Like yesterday our first stop was at Health First Pharmacy to pick up the prescription that I dropped off yesterday.

We arrived at Vital-Aire with minutes to spare, so Tiara brought us right into Ron’s work room. Kathy sat while I removed the Machines from their Carry Cases. Ron was surprised that we wanted our Machines set to Manual. It meant that we would have to actually hit the button to turn them “On” or “Off”. That’s better than waking on and off all night long. (Personal Experience)

Knowing a few things that we were running low on at home, we stopped at the nearby Zehr’s Superstore to pick them up, before heading for home.

We’ve be seeing advertisements lately for the new Flat Bread Pizzas for $7.99 at Tim Hortons. With a special of “2 for $12.00” we thought that we would give them a try. We stopped at the nearest outlet to our home and picked up a Chicken Parmesan and a Bacon Everything (that’s their names) to take home. They are cut in Six Pieces and are lite on the toppings on each piece, but we’ll save one for tomorrow. It tasted decent but if you were paying $8.00, you can do better at a Pizza Shop.

Our New CPAP Machines are ready for us to try tonight and if that works out, we have other things we can do tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

It's ironic that those who till the soil, cultivate and harvest the fruits, vegetables, and other foods that fill your tables with abundance have nothing left for themselves.”

Cesar Chavez, organizer of migrant farmworkers

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