
Friday, September 6, 2024

Staples Out, Lots Of Physio and Local Shooting.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

As I mentioned yesterday, we had an early appointment this morning and the weather was forecasted to be bad. What I didn’t expect was to have a restless night thrown in for good measure. I just couldn’t stop thinking of everything and anything. I probably had a couple hours of sleep.

I’d set the Alarm for 6:00 at which time I was already sitting in my Recliner watching as Kathy was getting ready for our day when it finally went off. We settled for Cereal for breakfast along with our morning Medication. Looking out the Balcony Door you could see the heavy Rain in the parking lot puddles.

We wore our Raincoats as a way of staying a bit dryer. Another thing different was Kathy had to go for the Car while I waited by the rear entrance. When she pulled up, I had to remind her She needed to store my Walker. I think it was the early hour.

Kathy has difficulty driving in the Dark, then you add Rain and she was really struggling. Luckily. We have Night-Time Driving Glasses that made it easy for her to see the details of the road. We arrived at Metropolitan Hospital by 7:00 and she was able to off load me under the front canopy. While she parked the Car, I was in Admitting getting signed in.

Down at the Fracture Clinic, it was packed with children to seniors, all waiting for the next stage of their recovery. We had to sit waiting until we were brought to our treatment areas. When my Surgeon came to check, he was surprised to hear of my Passing Out the day after the Surgery, but happy that I was no longer in Pain with little use of the Pain Medications I had been sent home with. By the end of our conversation all Eighteen Staples had been removed. Now I’ll see him again in Two Months. The Rain had stopped by the time we were leaving the Hospital.

We stopped at McDonald’s for a Coffee and Bacon/McMuffin since it was already past 9:30. Everywhere we go lately, we seem to run into someone that knows someone that has just had or is about to have Hip Surgery.

Though my appointment was over an Hour away, we went to ARC (Advanced Rehabilitation Center) early. Because of the forecasted weather, there had been a couple of cancellations, so I got in early. They were surprised that I had just gotten the Staples Removed and had yet to have an X-Ray. I was put through quite an intense exercise regime in order to build my leg strength.

Next we stopped at Guardian Storage to pick up our Mail before the weekend.

Then we went to Walmart, where I stuck my Walker into a Shopping Cart that I used as a Wheeled Walker. I needed to replace a couple pair of Pajamas and Kathy found a lovely Top all at reasonable prices.

It was getting close to noon before we stopped at Wendy’s for lunch. One of the workers, Sue that we’ve gotten to know, was shocked to learn I’d had surgery. Their Chicken Sandwiches hit the spot.

A quick stop at Dollarama, restocked us on Kathy’s cough drops.

When I walked up to the Apartment I felt like I was dragging. I’d barely sat down when Kathy came in from parking the Car. All the Walking and Physio-Therapy had worn me out. I ended up having a Snap so I could make it through the rest of the day.

On the 6 o’clock Local News, we learned that one of Windsor’s Police Officer was attacked and ended up fatally shooting his attacker. The Officer needed hospitalization.

Sorough called to talk tonight. He just finished his first week of Welder Training at the St Clair College. We also talked about Windsor Feedscrew looking for another PTA Welder. He again thanked me for opening his eyes to Welding as a trade that he enjoys.

We’ll see what tomorrow has for us.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.”

Rene Descartes, Philosopher, Mathematician, Scientist

1 comment:

  1. Little surprised you were exhausted. Thinking Kathy was too.
