
Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wasn’t What I Thought It Would Be.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Do you ever visualize what your day should look like and you don’t make it to see if reality was close. Both our Cell Phones started going off Tuesday morning around 4:30. Since they were both next to my arm, I noticed it was an Amber Alert for a missing teenager. Suspected culprit a Noncustodial Parent. The location was Etobicoke, Ontario, over Two Hundred Miles away. When you struggle to sleep that meant needing a reboot, blankets and pillows off, washroom, pillows and blankets on, then wait for sleep to return.

Remember I tried contacting our Family Doctor on Monday. Well he called at 8:20 Tuesday morning. His time is precious as I explained my problems and he started rattling off what he was going to FAX to my Pharmacy. Unless you have worked in the Medical Field, you are left with your mouth hanging open, wondering what he just said. Kathy never heard a thing. There is a lot to be said about taking your Hearing Aids out before going to bed.

Immediately after breakfast Kathy headed over to Health First Pharmacy where the little White Bag was waiting. When she got home all I could do was to stare at the Vials of Pills. There should be a law that they print on the Vials, what they’re contents are used for.

I could not concentrate on anything on the Computer or the Television. Kathy said I was off in La-La Land and I don’t remember the trip. Don’t ask what we ate because we don’t remember and I was covered over to sleep by 7:30 last night.

I never realized how much time there is between that and Midnight but was rewarded with Lightning Flashes reflecting off our Television until nearly 4:00 in the morning. It didn’t bother me because I could hear the distant sounds that accompanied the last round of flashes. It was after 8:00 before I got up. Kathy didn’t hear a thing.

Somehow the swelling in my feet drastically diminished overnight so I thought that something else my start working. It was like a recorded tape from the storm that played earlier in the morning without the rainfall.

Kathy made me Scrambled Eggs for lunch, which should help like the ones I was given in the Hospital.

I told Kathy it was time for me to walk down the hall again and that it should take Five Minutes. Four Minutes later she was standing outside our door waiting for my return.

I felt well enough to research the new medication and marked each with a Sharpie (Fine), what each was there for.

On another of my washroom walks, I also stopped at the Kitchen Counter where I have been successful to accomplish Two of the Exercises assigned to me by the Physiotherapists at the Hospital but only completed Two Leg Raises. It burned like crazy, but considering those are the muscles that were cut a week ago, I’d say that was a breakthrough.

On the 6 o’clock Local News, they showed the damage from this morning’s Storm. There were no deaths but lots of damage.

We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What did the pirate say when she turned 80 years old?

Aye matey!”


  1. After knee surgery my foot swelled up to the int I thought it might need to be lanced! But with ice and elevation the pan and swelling became manageable. Hang n there, and we all wait for better times.

  2. Looks like you are coming right along Rick.

  3. You'll get through this no problem, I'm sure. Soon all the pain will be forgotten!

  4. We had an alert on our phones yesterday morning (at 7:30) about a suspect from Quebec. Why are they bothering us people so far away? lol
    Steady on the course for healing.
