
Monday, April 1, 2024

Changing Flavour, Errands and Pitch Perfect.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

It feels strange that I’m getting enough sleep at night, and feeling rested when getting up in the morning. Though every time I look Kathy is sleeping but wakes feeling tired in the morning.

After having a Peanut Butter on Toast for breakfast we took our Coffees to the Computers. We finished doing our Blog reading along with other things, but deliberately waited until 12:30 to head out.

With the need to get groceries and do a few errands, but first thing was to have lunch at Arby’s. We have gotten to the point where we prefer Roast Beef Sandwiches over Hamburgers. We still have them once in a while but like the change in Flavour. We took our time and were surprised at the constant flow of Customers coming and going.

We had to go to the Bank to double check things, because the way it showed on our monthly statements, was very confusing. We were served by the Assistant Manager, who made certain we knew exactly where things stood.

Next stop was Motor City Community Credit Union where we had more banking to take care of before going to Guardian Storage to collect our Mail. Should have gone there first.

We finally made it to Dollarama, then Zehr’s grocery store to get the needed food stocks.

This morning the Radar had shown afternoon showers coming our way, so we were home by 4:00. When we double checked the Radar, it showed the Storm had split around us.

We made use of the time and enjoyed the rest of our day. We watched the movie “Pitch Perfect”.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What belongs to you, but others use it more?

Your name.

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