
Saturday, March 16, 2024

Back To The Old.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

The title said it all and it worked. Last night I went back to my original Nighttime Mickey and it worked. The only time I woke, was when rolling over, which triggered my Hip/Leg Pain, that automatically opened my eyes. I managed to lay fairly still last night.

The Sun was seeping around the window Blinds this morning, lighting up the Apartment, before they’d been opened. When the Blinds were opened, all we could see were Clouds with slivers of blue sky between. We settled in at the Computers only to find the room getting brighter. We watched as the Clouds disappeared leaving us with a clear sky.

For brunch we enjoyed Grilled Cheese Sandwiches with Dill Pickles for garnishing. In an effort to continue cleaning the Fridge mine also contained a healthy dose of Jalapeno Peppers. Kathy had stocked up while I was still working, so it will take some time to use them all up.

The Clouds returned bringing Wind Gusts of 35 MPH after lunch. Checking the forecast showed we were at 55 F (13 C). One of the things the New Management Company did after taking over our building was to add Solid Partition Walls on the Balconies between the Apartments. We keep hearing a banging sound outside with these High Winds so today we went out to investigate. The installers only fastened them with Anchor Bolts in the deck with no Bracing to the Railing. I’ll be speaking to the Manager next week, before another High Wind sends that Wall flying into the parking lot.

We had a treat for supper. After I cleaned, sliced and boiled a Medium Celery Root, Kathy and I worked together to bread, then saute them. The end result were Two Very Satisfied People.

Since the Local News no longer comes on the weekends, (Such a stupid thing) so they can show sports, we finished our day watching a couple of Hallmark Movies.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What kind of jokes do you make in the shower?

Clean jokes!


  1. Hope your wearing green today¿
    We sure had weird weather yesterday it was really nice yesterday till the afternoon then the clouds came in and the rain just let loose.
    It said zero chance of rain yesterday. Someone sure missed it.
    Today is a new day.
    Take care

  2. Good to hear you got a good night's sleep. They are far and few between some nights!
