
Friday, January 19, 2024

Sleeping and White.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Last night I took extra steps to make certain to sleep through the night. I did wake a number of times when rolling over, but immediately fell back to sleep. One thing that did surprise me, was only waking up when I felt Kathy leaving the bedroom. Of course, she was on her Computer before I joined her.

Looking out the Balcony Door, we could barely see the end of the parking lot. Both our vehicles that I’d cleaned off yesterday, were now the same colour as everything else around, White.

It appears that many of RV Bloggers we follow were taking a break today, but most of the Comments I submitted went through on the first try. It’s still a mystery why others are still resistant to the idea.

We treated ourselves for supper, by having Celery-Root. I’ve written about this a number of times. It’s easy to do, healthy and satisfying. We didn’t need anything else as a snack.

In response to a question about our not being able to sleep at night, asking if we had naps through the day. The answer is when we can’t sleep at night, we avoid having naps through the day. That would be like retraining our bodies to sleep during the day instead of at night.

Since we weren’t as active as I thought we would, we’ll try harder tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

You can get everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.

Zig Ziglar, Author, Motivational Speaker.

1 comment:

  1. Did you catch Kelly's blog this morning?
    The sand castle theme this year was "It's About Time". I had to think of you and Kathy
