
Monday, January 8, 2024


 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Now that I’m Re-Retired, it seems my body is falling into old habits. The habit I’m talking about is sleeping a little here and a little there, if any. I may be waking close to the same time every day, but the amount of sleep I actually get varies. After spending close to Two Hours in my recliner last night, only watching the odd vehicle moving through the adjoining neighbourhood, the only thing I got was upset. I then lay in bed another Hour before finally drifting off.

We almost spent the remainder of the morning at the Computers. I was again able to Sign-In to Google. I even made a number of Comments, but still could not add any Pictures to past Blogs.

There were other preparations made, that finally kicked into gear right after lunch. Since I am now at home during the week, I moved our Laundry Day. This time it’s a Monday, but I’ll try to move it to a Tuesday, so laundry is not being done on a Holiday.

Since there are more Washers and Dryers in the New Laundry Room, I was able to get everything in the Washers, before heading back to the Apartment. My Hip/Leg Pain was screaming at me. With Time Displays on all the machines, it is not hard to be back for when they end their cycles. The Dryers worked the same way, so everything was folded and back in the Apartment by 4:30.

We’ve been very lucky with the mild temperatures, we have had this Winter. The 6 o’clock Local News’s Weather Guesser showed that’s all about to change. The Temperatures will be becoming more seasonal and start bringing more of the White Stuff with it.

After this morning’s luck at Logging-In, I was happy to repeat the process this evening, but that was it. I attempted to leave Comments on Ten Blogs but was only successful to leave a single one. I would push the Publish button, only to get a message that it had failed, and to try again later.

My Hip/Leg is reminding me that I stood to fold our laundry today. Time to seriously medicate myself, so I might sleep tonight.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


How do you make a pirate furious?

Take away the p.

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