
Monday, January 15, 2024

Freezing To Fill The Freezer.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Managed to get myself out of bed earlier this morning, in an attempt to stop laying awake throughout the night. Because it was much earlier, it took a few extra minutes for Kathy to sense my absence and join me.

While enjoying a Single Toast for breakfast, we discussed what we needed to accomplish today. Though it would affect what I had Planned on doing, it would be more beneficial to us.

It was past noon when we headed out the door, into the bright Sunshine. Luckily, the Wind was much lighter today, but without Gloves your hands were froze by the time you got in the Car. I had loaned mine to Kathy because she could not find her’s.

Not being in much of a rush we spent time people watching, while we had lunch at Arby’s. Have to love using Coupons, especially since Covid.

The main objective was to replenish things in our Freezer. Those are things we can cook up quickly, when we just aren’t sure what we want, but are satisfying.

Thinking we’d change it up a bit, Dollarama was our next stop, followed by Walmart. Kathy found some gloves that she’ll keep in her coat pockets. Even though my walking was limited to where the products we wanted were, my Hip/Leg Pain was starting to get intense by the time we left.

It was difficult walking in from the parking lot, plus we still had to put things away.

Since we’d had meals at lunch, it was after the 6 o’clock Local News before we though of sharing a Store-Bought Thin-Crust Medium Pizza for supper.

The Local Weather Guesser showed we’ll be warming up to just below the Freezing Mark. That will feel better.

Since Kathy got up earlier, she is already gone to bed. Here is hoping to a better day tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

I live by two words: tenacity and gratitude.

Henry Winkler, American actor, producer and director


  1. Nice quote by Henry Winkler, he's also an author! He's given much to children with disabilities. His memoir 'Being Henry' is a good read.

  2. Hope you have a good sleep...the best in a while. (Well, maybe it COULD happen, once in a while, a real treat.)
