
Thursday, December 28, 2023

Richard Straightens Me Up and Sorough’s Day.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

This Re-Retirement is starting to feel better every day. Even though there is still the discomfort of the Hip/Leg Pain 7/24 by not spending so much time walking on the Concrete Floors in the Plant, seems to be helping.

After Eight Hours sleep the discomfort started building again. As mentioned in other posts before constantly changing positions that wakes Kathy is a must, otherwise it gets unbearable. So I was busy on my Computer when Kathy came out to join me. She noticed my absence.

With very few Leftovers in our Fridge this morning we each had Peanut Butter on Toast. There was plenty of Blog reading to do, but I still can’t leave Comments on most of the posts. The fix I found the other day only lasted minutes before disappearing.

Lunch was the very last of the Christmas Leftovers along with a nice bowl of Chicken Noodle Soup.

Not knowing how my mobility would be, the last time I went to Wyandotte Chiropractic Center in November, I made an appointment for today. Factories may be closed during the Holidays, but not Health Services. Kathy came along for the ride but stayed in the Car reading. I waddled my way in but after extra work from Richard, practically walked out.

We stopped at Guardian Storage. When I dropped off my tools last Friday, I left a package of New Pens in my Toolbox. Luckily the temperatures have remained above Freezing, so the Pens will be more useful than just inking the inside of the Toolbox.

We used Coupons at Arby’s to have supper, before going to Dollarama and Zehr’s grocery store for additional food stocks. We don’t want to be out this weekend since Monday will be New Years Day.

After checking the Comments on last night’s Blog about Sorough, I sent him a Text to see how his day went. He called me back. Mile wanted him to watch Pat (the so-called expert) repaired a Machining-Oops. Pat did not want Sorough watching him weld, like I did. He wouldn’t let Sorough do any welding and when Mile wanted him to add More weld, he refused and left. Before leaving Pat wanted to know how we fixed the Bearing Issue. Sorough gave the answer I told him to, “We just welded it.” (Pat would have tried to take credit for it, even though he was nowhere around when it was done.) Sorough picked up a pile of Filler Rods ends that Pat had thrown on the floor so he would use them up the way I had shown him. With nothing else to do Mile let him leave at 11:00.

He asked me about the Feedscrew that he’ll weld after New Years. So I calmly talked him through it, then reminded him “You got this”, but don’t tell Pat how you did it.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You lit a match in the bathroom and your house exploded right off its wheels.


  1. I can't comment on several blogs either. So I'm hoping you can figure it out for us. Enjoy your retirement and I'm hoping for you to have a lot of travel in 2024.

  2. Ha! Good for you in helping Sorough!! What a nice guy you are.
