
Sunday, November 12, 2023

Learning and Veggie Wraps.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Again, I let nature make the call as to when it was time to start my day, and the reason was so that I will have a better night’s sleep tonight. Since everything was set up in the Living Room, before we went to bed, it did not take long to be heading out the door at 7:00 this morning.

As mentioned yesterday most people who no longer hold a fulltime job do their laundry during the week, so those that still work have the Laundry Room to themselves. When I walked in, there were Three other people, washing their clothes. After Fifteen Minutes I finally had a Washer to use. Bit by bit, all the laundry was washed but some were still drying, as I began the process of folding.

The flow of people never stopped. While doing one thing everyone just starts talking about anything. One noticed my limping around with my Cane and asked what the problem was. Turns out she has had both Hips replaced, while another woman had only had one replaced. They said it was very important to do the Physio Therapy after the procedure, otherwise things might not turn out as expected. They also agreed that the Cortisone Injections worked better than the Hyaluronic Acid, and at a fraction of the cost. Like I tell others, you learn something new ever day of your life.

Kathy had been busy Dusting and Vacuuming while I was downstairs. We enjoyed a Coffee at the Computers while talking.

It was past 2:00 when we arrived at the Pioneer gas station, so I could top off the Car with Gasoline. It’s bad enough that Kathy has to do a lot of errands alone at this time, but if she ran out of Gas, it would be disastrous.

Our next stop was the grocery store where we picked up mostly produce, for this coming week.

Back at the Apartment, after sitting briefly to rest my Hip/Leg, I got busy chopping vegetables, that would make up our Veggie Wraps for the next few days.

With only Six Weeks left at Windsor Feedscrew, we’ll see what happens tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim.

Nora Enthrone, Journalist

1 comment:

  1. Wouldn't it be nice if you could simple have a zero fitting installed and when you start hurting you just give it a squirt of grease and it quits hurting?
    It's nice an warm down here.
    You two take care.
