
Thursday, July 27, 2023

Who Do you Believe?

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Yesterday, when our Family Doctor prescribed my Pain Pills, he said I could take it with a Tylenol before going to bed. The Pharmacist later suggested not taking it with Tylenol, so that’s what I did. Tonight I’ll be doing as my Doctor suggested, because I hardly slept.

It was understandable that Mile would show me the first job that he wanted me to work on this morning. His personal instructions were to build the Secondary Flights only on the top so it would not have to be put back in the Mill.

I was amazed at how quickly that was accomplished and it could then be sent to the Polishers. Then Jovo, Khalin and Vic showed up to look at another Screw. They all said it needed to be built higher. Mile was summoned and after they pointed out the reason why they were saying that he said “More”. Through the heat of the day and other Feedscrews, I continued adding the extra material, only to have him again say “More” right before the end of the shift. It had been built over a Half Inch in height already.

Another thing that I was surprised with today was the fact that I was sitting inside the Wyandotte Chiropractic Center before 4:00. By punching out on time I had managed to avoid a lot of the Rush Hour traffic. Richard had a lot of work to do and he even answered more questions I have about my Hip. Since the Coronavirus a lot of things have changed in our Canadian Healthcare. Lots off surgeries were postponed and are only now being done. That means someone just trying to get in now will be put on a long waiting list. Of course if you make enough noise, your problem could be resolved quicker. It was nearly 5:00 when I walked out, fairly comfortably.

For supper we had Veggie Wraps made from the Leftover Stir-Fry and a piece of Cake for dessert.

Tomorrow is forecasted to be warmer than today, but it could be a wet one as well.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

Taking your wife on a cruise means circling the Dairy Queen.


  1. I always listen to my pharmacist instructions when it comes to medication. It's their field of expertise after all, and doctors DO frequently make mistakes.

  2. Wondering if you up there are being affected by this heat wave. 94 here today, 97 predicted tomorrow. Cooled off enough this evening that I mowed about an acre. Hope to get to another one or two tomorrow. With rain and heat grass is thick and grows FAST.

  3. I hope Kathy has continued to feel good effects from the ablation....and as for you. Ah. A job and a bad hip. At least you were a bit more comfortable after your chiropractor. Hope you can get some sleep. That is important.
