
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Happy 4th and Making It Hotter.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Kathy and I want to take this opportunity to wish all our American Family, Friends and Readers a Happy Independence Day. Many countries continue to fight for the rights that you have, and we can only pray that some day they will have them.

Since I had already loaded a Six Inch Feedscrew into the Plasma Transfer Arc on Friday, the only thing Mile said to me at the start of the day was “Good Morning”. He has gotten to trust my judgment at getting jobs completed as soon as possible, even if it means having to put some aside for a couple of days. There is a Bulletin Board that lists all the machines in the Plant, and the jobs that need to be completed. The jobs are reviewed every week before being posted. The PTA has not had a job listed since Christmas, but everyone else has Units that I’ve welded to work on.

I didn’t even mind that the large Shipping Door that faces the West was wide open today, especially since the light breeze was coming from the South. Since I was running Two Burners to warm the Screw, any fresh air was appreciated. By 8:00 this morning, my coveralls were rolled down to my waist and my T-Shirt was dripping wet.

With everything so Green, it doesn't look Hot.

In the Ten Months that I have been doing this job, I’ve become more efficient and confident using the PTA. Using the Positioner Speed, times the Number of Flights, I can calculate within a couple of Minutes, how long it will take to weld the Flights on the Feedscrew I’m working on. What nobody can calculate is when things don’t go as intended. Everything was running smoothly until the Left Side of the Orifice plugged up. After a quick repair and touch-up things were again running smoothly until the Right Side of the Orifice plugged up. That added nearly Two Hours extra to the job.

Stir-Fry for supper.

Even though I’ll be doing a Rebuild in the morning, replacing the Orifice on the Torch might take priority.

Veggie Wraps for supper,
with Cake and Strawberries for dessert.

Kathy was able to get another Prescription for her Rheumatoid Arthritis. When the Coronavirus hit her Arthritis Doctor stopped seeing patients. Looks like it is time to go back for another appointment.

On the 6 o’clock Local News, their big news was the already Hot Temperatures. It looks like we could be getting a few days of relief. We can only hope that south of the Border, gets the same relief.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Go as far as you can see; when you get there you’ll be able to see further.

Thomas Carlyle, Scottish Philosopher.

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