
Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Restless Night, Empty Bin and Engineer’s Mistake.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Even though my CPAP Machine showed that I was hooked up for over Seven Hours last night, it was not a restful sleep. The Pain in my Hip/Leg was Excruciating, making me sit on the edge of the bed trying to massage it out. All the moving around that I did, even had Kathy awake trying to calm me down. Another Extra Strength Tylenol seemed to help me get through the rest of the night.

It was a nice going into work at a more decent time. There were already Two Feedscrews that needed my expertise with the TIG Welder. The first was the Pocket on a Ten Inch Unit that has tested all our skills lately. The second one was more serious but wasn’t as close to its delivery date, so it was sent to the Buffers to clean what they could. Before I finished the first Unit, the Inspector had found other problems that needed to be fixed.

By 8:30 the first Unit was on its way to the OD Grinder, but I would have to wait for the other one, because it was keeping Two Buffers busy.

Since I had stayed over to complete the Rebuild last evening, I didn’t get a chance to clean up around the Plasma Transfer Arc. Rick the Driver/Janitor helped in the sweeping, while I went about emptying the Hard Surfacing Material Bin and cleaning the Torch. As soon as I finished with the Torch, I looked at the Control Pedestal and was surprised to see the Bin was already MT. Checking the Container I had drained it into, there was less then a Half Teaspoon of Powder in it. If I had needed to weld another Two Inches on the Rebuild last night, I would have run out of Powder.

After our morning break the first Unit I had welded today was brought to the OD Grinder. I managed to find another Rebuild to be welded on the PTA, later this week. Luckily it is much shorter than yesterday’s, but has Three Zones in One Continuous Flight.

When I called Kathy at lunch, I woke her from a Snap, caused by my restless night. She had been keeping a watchful eye on me after the First Painful Episode.

After lunch we set up the Ten Inch Unit for the Buffers to work on. I was then able to start working on the Screw they had been cleaning up. The Engineer admitted to making a mistake in the Programming. It caused the CNC Mill to cut a section on the Secondary Flight down to Tissue Thickness. One drop of metal at a time, I have to build that entire section a Half Inch Thick, before it can be properly machined. It was only half finished when I left for the day.

Taking a nice shower when I got home helped wake me up a bit. We arrived at Fantastic Sam’s with Ten Minutes to spare, with Julia was just finishing another customer. I struggled to stay awake while she did Kathy’s hair, then talked myself awake when she did mine.

Using a Coupon, we stopped at Arby’s for a late supper. The Local News was finished before we got home. We’ll see what happens tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.

Plutarch, Greek-Roman Philosopher.

1 comment:

  1. Has your chiro done any traction on you? Some years ago I had much the same problems as you are having, and didn't get much relief until the chiro tried traction on me. That did the trick. He thinks that the cushioning cartilege between L3 and L4 was squeezed out a bit and pushing on the sciatic nerve there, causing all of the phantom pain. I say phantom, but it was real to me. A few traction treatments and I was almost as good as new. I have an inversion machine, and now, if I strain too much or lift too much, and start to get those phantom pains, a couple of days on the inversion machine takes care of it. Worth looking into, in my experience, anyway. I do hope you get better because I have gone thru a lot of what you are going thru, and it was an ugly experience. Specially as you are pretty sure nothing is actually wrong, it is just a blob of protoplasm pressing on that dratted sciatic nerve.
