
Friday, May 19, 2023

Low Powder and I Fix.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After a brief chat with Mile this morning, I didn’t waste anytime before getting the Two Burners going to heat the Feedscrew I needed to weld.

Once the process was started I was happy with the way the weld was turning out, only having to do mild changes to center the Torch. I was able to relax a bit because the First Zone was independent of the others which meant there would be no Transition. One cannot continually stay focused on the oscillating Torch as it would lull you to sleep, so you check other things pertaining to the job. When I looked back at the weld that had been laid, in the middle of all the perfect Spirals, there was one that was too low. For an entire rotation of the Feedscrew, the rate of Powder had dropped, then simply went back to the set rate. It was a quick fix when the Zone was completed. By 11:30 that Unit was headed to the Sandbox, to slow cool over the long weekend.

There was already a few Screws that were waiting my attention on the Inspection Bench. Two were quickly disposed of before lunch, but the others were after.

When I spoke with Kathy during my lunch break, I was certain I would be leaving at the end of the shift.

The next Feedscrew I simply burned the edges of the Flights where the machining process had chipped them. It appeared like a string had been laid in place of the mess that was there before.

Just as I finished that Khalin asked me to look at a Unit he was working on. He had mistakenly ground Twenty Thousands of an Inch too much and needed to know if I could fix it. Just then Mile showed up and started screaming at him for this mistake saying he’d have to make another to replace it. (Remember how irritable I said he was because of the Shingles.) I simply told him I could fix it.

Khalin is usually very exact in his work, so this was out of character for him. Only the Engineer and the CNC Mill Operator were there when I left at 4:38, but there was a Hundred Thousand of new material to fix the mistake and Mile won’t have to make another.

Thankfully, Kathy understands, after having worked for a small Family-Owned Company herself, so when I called to say I was heading home, she just said “Drive Safe”.

We had a Store-Bought Thin Crust Hawaiian Pizza for supper. The 6 o’clock Local News showed we will have a fairly decent Holiday Weekend.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Waiter, waiter! Will my matzo be long?”

No sir, it will be square.”

1 comment:

  1. Twenty Thousandths of an inch!??! Didn't know that was a thing nevermind a thing worth fixing.
