
Friday, May 12, 2023

Hammering Away and Fixing A Fix.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

One entire week that I had the chance to sleep to more humane hours and starting work at 7:00 in the morning. Even be able to clearly define the homes and buildings that were being illuminated by the dawn of a new day was a big change.

Since there was no room for another Feedscrew on the Inspection Bench this morning, I started prepping the Ten Inch Bearing that had cracked back in February, because Mile had kept the Shipping Door wide open for Fifteen Minutes. I had stopped the welding process and fired up the Burner on full, but it wasn’t enough to stop the Stellite 6 Hard Surfacing Material from Cracking. Now that things are slowing down they wanted a quick repair, but as I started grinding, the damage appeared worse. Mile said he would take it to the OD Grinder so it would have a fresh start.

Next I started cleaning another that had just been brought in yesterday. Other than the Spline the entire Ten Foot length was encased in Plastic that had not been purged from the system at the end of the week’s production. When it was running the Liquid Plastic had been moved inside the Barrel by the Feedscrew. When the power was shut down all that Liquid Plastic solidified around the Feedscrew itself. The problem was not discovered until the next batch of Liquid Plastic would not flow through the system.

It would take Three Hours to break that Plastic off the Screw using a Hammer and Chisel. The fact that the thickness varied, depending on what part of the Unit it was on. Mile could not believe the progress I made in only One Hour but was shocked that at its final appearance. It only needed minor touch-ups before returning it to the customer.

There were a couple of touch-ups on Feedscrews that were then given their Final Inspection and crated before being moved near the Shipping Door.

It was at that time Mile mentioned to me about having to fill a Centering Hole on the Ten Inch Unit that I started my day with. The Hole was off Center by more than Twenty Thousands, and someone tried adjusting it by using a Hand Grinder, making it worse. Instead of leaving me fill that Hole someone enlarged it to nearly double its size. It took well Over Two Hours to do a Fifty Minute job, if someone had not been so helpful.

After punching out at 3:34 I let Kathy know I was on my way. With Bumper-to-Bumper Traffic I called the Riverside Tavern, Sports Bar and Grill, to order our supper. By the time I got there our meals were nearly ready. Using an Insulated Shopping Bag our Fish and Chip Dinners were still steaming when I walked in the Apartment.

The forecast we saw yesterday was already replaced with a more favourable one, especially for Sunday.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.

Henry James, American Author

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