
Sunday, May 28, 2023


 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I didn’t even set the Alarm last night, but was in the Living Room before 7:00 this morning. I had the chance to get some catching up done before Kathy joined me just before 8:00.

We started our morning like yesterday with an Easy Over Egg on Toast with a Juice and our Coffees that came with us to the Computers.

I didn’t want a repeat of the problems I had with the Hip Pain, after not taking any Tylenol yesterday but I still lengthened the period of time between the doses. Setting up our Epson Salts Foot Bath helped the discomfort we were both having in our feet due to Arthritis.

We had Minestrone Soup for lunch along with the Last Strawberries and Last Date Squares for dessert.

It wasn’t much later that we were out the door heading for Guardian Storage. There was a car stopped near the Office, that followed us through the gate. We needed to make multiple stops, so he had to do the same. What he wasn’t expecting was me taking a picture of him. He suddenly made a quick turn and disappeared. I’ll send a copy of the picture to the Storage Yard staff, just in case.

Last Fall we had little time to finish the Roof Coating on our old Trailer, before delivering it to the New Owner. After that the temperature took a dive and we couldn’t work there in the cold. Today, we had to find a few things before working on the Trailer. It also gave us the chance to evaluate what else is needed to close the one down.

At the Trailer we removed the Mattress we replaced. We found a few more things we’ll need to work on to get the Trailer feeling like home for our travels. Since most donation drop-offs don’t take in things on Sundays we had to stand the Mattress in the Storage Unit for tonight.

Needing supplies we went to The Home Depot. It was cheaper for me to buy a Hundred Stainless Screws then it cost for Two Smaller Packages that only gave me Two extra screws. As all RVers know, repairs are a constant thing. Trying to climb the ladder to the roof is not on my list at the moment, especially the way my Hip reminded me.

We had Coupons to use for supper at Taco Bell. It was all good and filling, but even with the Coupons it was only a few dollars difference to eating in a Restaurant.

On the 6 o’clock Local News we were surprised to see an increase in Shootings locally. Our weather continues to improve to the point we might have to fire up the Air Conditioner before next weekend.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Imagination is the highest kite one can fly.

Lauren Bacall, American Actress


  1. It's perfect weather to be working on the travel trailer before it gets too hot, but weekends are short to accomplish much.

  2. Smart to take a picture of that guy. I do the same thing in my neighborhood. They are just looking for something to steal!!

  3. When our "bones" are aching, nothing like Epson salts in our walk in tub. Always does the trick.
