
Friday, April 28, 2023

Surprising and Not.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Not Surprisingly my day would finish the same as it started. The first thing was beginning my work day earlier than the most of the work crew. Then just before the shift ended, a Feedscrew in the final stages of cleaning before shipment, had a noticeable Pinhole in a Flight. (Set up time was greater than the actual job.) I started at 6:00 and punched out at 4:02.

During the middle of the day I managed to weld on the PTA, Two Seven Foot Screws both with the Stellite 83 Hard Surfacing Powder. What was different was the Mixers had to be welded using the Comoloy 56 Hard Surfacing Powder. All the beads of weld were only the width of a Pencil Lead, 7/64ths or .11 of an Inch wide and only took 53 Minutes each.

Even with the Plasma Transfer Arc working better than the recent past, it was not Surprising when in the middle of different Zones on both the Units the Torch changed its programmed course.

What was Surprising was Mile not wanting me to load the remaining Twenty-Four Foot Feedscrew into the PTA, for an early start on Monday. With a more complicated design then the last one, it could take as much as Twelve Hours to complete.

Another thing that was not Surprising, was when I walked out of the Plant, the Rain was pouring. According to all the Weather Guessers, it’s something we’ll see a lot of for the next week.

Tonight's supper, Sweet and Sour Chicken on, Vegetable Rice
with Strawberries and Tuxedo Cake for dessert.

Since Kathy was tired and just went to bed, I can Surprise her, by wishing her a Very Happy Birthday tomorrow, when she reads the Blog.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

There are more fish on your wall than pictures.