
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

If At First.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Even though the Feedscrew was already set up in the PTA, I still expressed my opinion to Mile, that it could have been more accurately been done using the TIG. When he insisted I went ahead with his wishes.

The day crew were just starting when I was wrapping that job up. I even invited Jovo to check it over. When it all checked out to his standards, it was wrapped in a Welding Blanket to be processed later in the afternoon.

Even though it was a late start, Mile wanted me to start working on the Ten Inch Bearings. It took nearly Two Hours before the welding actually started and since we are still dealing with issues, extra care was being taken. Unlike some bearings that we were able to run the entire thing in one shot, this one was only getting Two Beads of weld before heating it back up. Using our Digital Heat Gauge, I showed Mile how the material next to the Bearing Surface was twice the temperature. That showed how Heat Resistant the Hard Surfacing Material itself was.

By lunch time, less than Half the first layer had been completed, because of the Late Start as well as the time it took to bring it up to 700 F (330 C). I kept the job going in an attempt to make some headway. When I spoke to Kathy she was getting Keys made at Home Hardware. I mentioned that I’d probably be late again.

As soon as I’d finished the call, it was time to again add more heat to the Screw. The reason for so much heat is to expand the Base Metal, so when the Hard Surfacing is applied, it will not Crack. We also rotate the Units while doing so to avoid bending. As it rotated I thought I’d spotted a scratch, but when I looked closer my heart sank, it was a Crack. As the rotation continued another Crack was spotted.

Mile was about to walk by when I waved him over. I even ground the Cracks and tried to cross weld them but the Crack just reappeared as fast as the weld was being laid. We halted that job so it can be ground down, but we have another Feedscrew that we’ll be trying a different Hard-Surfacing Powder on tomorrow.

The next job was to TIG weld the same Unit that was welded first thing this morning. I told Mile it was how it should have been done in the first place, but he had thought the PTA was easier.

Repairs were piling up that were needed to be completed so I the rest of my shift was spent TIG welding. The nice thing about it is, there are no slag inclusions and if you know what you are doing the bead is smaller then the diameter of the Filler Rod. I punched out at 6:00.

Kathy made Sweet and Sour Chicken Balls along with Vegetable Rice for supper.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Class trip to the Coca-Cola factory today.

I hope there’s no pop quiz.

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