
Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Getting It Done.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Returning to an earlier start time today the Alarm had to wake me but it was like riding a bike.

When I consulted with Mile, he was happy with my choice of jobs to complete. Having already placed the Burners under the Unit yesterday, it was a simple matter of removing the Safety Stand before firing them up.

Using the time it would take to warm the Feedscrew to 700 F (330 C), I managed to do minor repairs on Two Other Screws, and got lined up on other jobs when time would allow me to get to them.

It was nearly 7:30 when the “Begin to Weld” button was engaged. Even though there were a number of adjustments made through the next Two Hours, they were minor compared to others. I was in the process of burying the Unit in the Sandbox when the Buzzer sounded our first break.

I spent a short time closing down the PTA for the day, before going on to the other repairs. Having set up the Portable Welding Tent to protect others around me from Welding Flash, I was adding material on a Two Inch Unit when the Polishers dropped another Larger Unit on the other rollers on the Inspection Bench. Normally they let me know before so I sometimes will stop welding on delicate areas. When the Bench vibrated the Unit I was working on, the Arc from the TIG took off the tip of the finished Flight. I rebuilt it and it can be hand finished, but the Courtesy would have saved the aggravation.

It was nice speaking to Kathy at lunch and getting off at 3:38 for the day. I used the Truck as an office making a few calls before leaving the parking lot.

Grass is greening and some Trees are budding.

I stopped at Princess Auto to purchase some Spade Connectors that I often use on the Truck and Trailers. When the cost is less than a Third of the normal price, you like to stock up. With the work on the new Trailer coming up they won’t last long.

Notice the Wind.

Kathy had gone to collect the Mail at Guardian Storage along with doing her Walmart walking. She was enjoying the warm temperatures, when I got home, by having both the Bedroom Window and Balcony Door open to air out the Apartment.

For supper we had Veggie Wraps made from Leftover Stir-Fry. We also shared a Pear and a piece of Chocolate Cake for dessert.

The 6 o’clock Local News showed we could enjoy another Above Seasonal Day tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


How many gorillas can you fit into a car?


How many chickens?

None, the car is already full of gorillas!

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