
Monday, March 13, 2023

Try Try Again.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I had no problem getting up this morning and had plenty of energy getting to work. But listening to some of the younger employees, you would have sworn that they’d been awake for days. You never get used to Daylight Saving Time.

The first Feedscrew I had to repair this morning took exactly an Hour. When it was finished I wrapped it in the Welding Blanket where it was still warm Six Hours later.

There was a little confusion on the next job to be done, but it ended up being a New Four Inch Diameter Unit, which I was happy to see had no Bearing Area but had a complicated Mixer section.

It was officially Seven Months that I started working at Windsor Feedscrew last Friday. Even though I had worked on Tools and Molds, this is totally different. I’m still learning a lot and have become more focused on what is acceptable, or needs to be repaired.
After mounting the
Screw in the PTA I cleaned and measured all the Flights. That allowed me to enter the data into the Computer before the Blueprints were located. The Engineer challenged the numbers I had entered because they weren’t what the print showed. When I ran the test with the Pencil taped to the Torch and it tracked perfectly, he just walked away shaking his head.

I then started the Burner to take the chill out of the metal as I prepped the Torch. I had barely started doing that when Mile the Owner showed up with the Technician that was building the New Burner, that I spoke about last Friday. It was awkward and was falling over, which is not good if it was lit. Of course I had to make the necessary connections. It worked terribly so they talked about changes and even listened to some of my suggestions.

What our day mostly looked like.

I turned the Old Burner back on and was minutes away from starting to weld when they returned with a Revised New Burner. Again we tried the Burner but the changes made no difference. They were amazed when I simply clamped a piece of metal in place to give it added stability.

They finally left Ten Minutes after the Lunch Break started but I didn’t stop. I knew that if I was going to finish that Unit today it had to get started. The Burner was again lit to heat the Screw up. I simply snacked on my Sandwich while getting things ready. I finally hit the “Begin To Weld” button as the Buzzer sounded that break was over.

Mile stopped by to question me on possibly using an Electric Heater. Unless it’s an Induction Heater it would take forever to do the job, and I have worked around Electric Furnaces that held Liquid Metal.

It was after 5:30 when I punched out. Kathy was happy to hear my voice as I spoke using our Hands-Free Radio. Using a Coupon I stopped at Burger King to pick up our supper.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

Why can’t you run in a camp?

It has to be ran because it’s past tents.

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