
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Rebuild and Customer Oops.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Mile was all smiles when I greeted him this morning. After I stressed the importance of the heat loss on Feedscrews yesterday, he was all for me finishing the Rebuild today.

There was a problem that I had to deal with though. One of the Burners had a broken Pilot Light Bracket that needed repair. Setting the Rebuild on heat with the other Burner gave me a chance to TIG weld the Bracket. Then when I went to reconnect the Quick Disconnect for the Air, the fitting would not latch. After repeated attempts to connect it failed, and the Rebuild with its stored heat from yesterday and the Burner today was ready to be welded, I went for it.

Today I was just going to build the Secondary Flight. Since they had yet to be welded, we were starting from scratch. At Thirty-Five Minutes a pass, I kept an eye on the build up with hopes of being finished before lunch. As I was doing the final check after Seven Passes, Mile came around and saw the height difference. Even though I mentioned the lower Flights were the Main Flights welded yesterday and were already over what he wanted, he said to add another pass on the Whole Thing.

Instead of sitting down to talk with Kathy at lunchtime, I spoke to her while standing by and monitoring the PTA as it added the final pass.

It was past 2:30 when the Rebuild was put in the Sandbox. I also needed to replace the Argon Cylinder that was completely drained on the Rebuild.

I then mounted the next Unit that I’ll start in the morning. This Unit was an Oops sent back from the Customer after he tried to adjust it himself and ended up removing a Half Inch of material all around, that was supposed to be the Spline. I should be done by noon.

Kathy was happy to see me walk in the Apartment before 4:00. What neither of us counted on was my eyes closing for a while. The 6 o’clock Local News was half over before I served our Veggie Wraps for supper along with the Triple Chocolate Cake we had for dessert.

Tomorrow will be interesting.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.

H. Jackson Brown Jr. Author

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