
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Opened His Eyes.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I knew yesterday what I would be working on today, before arriving at the Plant. The only issue that I had was the Torch continually wanting to change its course and not follow the measurements that had been entered in the program.

Mile felt confident that the Machine would not cause a problem and insisted I check another repair. When we returned to the PTA, I immediately hit the STOP button. He could not believe the Torch was more than Two Inches away from the Channel it was programmed to fill. When Khalin insisted I look at another job I Paused the program, so I didn’t have to clean up the mess again.

Even with the modified Leads I would end up readjusting the Center by over Thirty-Six Inches throughout the day. That also meant I needed to run a Second Pass which I had hoped to avoid. As mentioned in other Posts, the Metric Feedscrews always cause the most problems.

Just as I was closing things up, the Afternoon Crew on the CNC Mill tied up the Crane for Twenty Minutes, delaying my covering the Job up in the Sandbox for the night. It was 4:10 when I punched out.

Since Mile paid for the Digital Temperature Gauge that I had Planned on trying on the Feedscrews, before showing him the results. (It’s working perfectly, saving time and no guesswork.) Now, I didn’t have one for myself, so I stopped at Princess Auto to find the last one “On Sale”. Maybe it was meant to be that way.

I also noticed the Gasoline Prices had dropped to $1.343/Litre ($5.083/US Gallon). So when I walked in the Apartment, I mentioned that it was time to fill the Car to Kathy. We headed out right away to the Pioneer gas station and topped it off. The prices are still higher that a couple of years ago, but we’ll take any savings we can get.

Since it was well past 6:00 we stopped at Wendy’s for supper. Kathy enjoyed their Apple Pecan Salad, while I enjoyed a Spicy Chicken Sandwich with Chili rather than Fries. We sat and relaxed while talking about our day. Hopefully tomorrow will be less Chaotic.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


How did the telephone propose to his girlfriend?

He gave her a ring.

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