
Thursday, February 23, 2023

Power Flicker and Late Again.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

As I mentioned last night, our lights did flicker a few times because the forecasted Freezing Rain had started. Since we both use CPAP Machines to sleep with, we were fortunate that the power didn’t go out as we slept, or we would have been gasping for air.

Since Windsor Feedscrew is located outside the city limits, it was not until I got out to County Road 42 that anything was visibly wrong. The Traffic Light was not working at the Parkway, then a little further up the road the Street Lights that illuminate the intersections were out.

The Industrial Park that the Plant is located in showed no signs on any power outages. Mile had missed his turn due to the Street Lights being out but simply turned around in a nearby driveway.

I though that I’d get an early start on the Feedscrew I had mounted in the PTA yesterday, but that didn’t happen. As typically happens I was assigned to do repairs on a Unit, but when you ask about other things you see, are told it’s Okay. Then the at a later time you are told to repair what you could have simply done while you were doing the other repair.

That caused a Two Hour delay before I started heating the Screw in the PTA. A reminder that it takes Three Hours and Twenty Minutes per pass. With Eight Inches remaining to finish the First Pass, the Plant went completely dark for all of Five Seconds. That took me an extra Twenty Minutes to get back where the Machine had left off.

As I was applying the Second Pass, Mile the Owner and Pat the Consultant came around to see how things were going. Pat is a Welder by trade but hasn’t got a clue how to operate the Plasma Transfer Arc. He then starts telling me I’m doing it all wrong. The welds were perfect, so “What the Hxxx” was he talking about. I told him I had work to do and turned my back on him.

When I spoke to Kathy while I stood watching the Machine welding during lunchtime, I expressed concern that I’d probably be late getting home. It was 5:50 when I finally punched out, after burying the Unit in the Sandbox.

Calling to say I was on my way home, Kathy was happiest when I walked in the door. As I sat to relax for a few minutes she was busy making Open Faced Hot Chicken Sandwiches with Coleslaw for supper with Fruit Cake for dessert.

The 6 o’clock Local News showed we’ll be experiencing a roller coaster ride of weather changes for the next Two Weeks before it starts to level out. That brings us half way to Spring.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


A man walks into a bar and orders helicopter-flavoured chips.

The bartender replies, “Sorry, we only do plain.

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