
Sunday, February 19, 2023

Restful Day and Hoping For The Future.

Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Even though I wanted to go to the Gym this morning, after the way my Hernia has bothered me for the last couple of days, I didn’t try to set the Alarm. Instead, I rolled over and watched Kathy sleep for a Half Hour before getting up.

We were very busy yesterday and Kathy was really tired last night. This morning I got things ready for breakfast before catching up on my Blog Reading on the Computer. Suddenly, Kathy came out of the Bedroom upset that she’d slept so late. With the High Winds blowing outside there was no hurry to go anywhere.

The Clouds would later thin out.

Like yesterday a Muffin and Coffee were our breakfast before we returned to the Computers. Having worn the Hernia Belt all day actually helped me to have a better night’s sleep. As soon as my Coffee was finished I dressed and put it back on. Without the Belt I have been having difficulty standing and walking. With it on, there is just enough pressure on the spot, that most of my problems disappear.

Our outside temperature would actually reach 52 F (11 C) this afternoon, but Kathy felt chilled, because of the 35 MPH Wind Gusts we had all day. We had Split Pea with Smoked Ham Soup for our lunch. That warmed us up as well as filling us up.

Even though we are jealous reading Blogs our Friends have written about this Winter in the Sonoran Desert we don’t miss the Cold Temperatures that they have been experiencing. Hopefully I can get Medical Treatment for my Hernia, early enough this year that I can finish the modifications on our newest Trailer for next Winter, so we can again be out there with our friends.

For supper I made another Stir-Fry that we ate as Veggie Wraps and there is enough for another meal.

Tomorrow will be the real test as I wear my Belt to work for the first time.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


No more Harry Potter jokes guys, I’m Sirius.


  1. Hopefully you can get things taken care of this spring and be on your way this fall.

  2. Glad you've found some relief. Hope it helps a LOT at work.
