
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

I Have To Stop Planning.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

When getting to bed early last night, I had a Plan. (We all know how those work out.) Amazingly, I never had to stop for a single Traffic Light this morning, which shaved nearly Five Minutes off my travel time. Not only did I start early but I was taking the Feedscrew from the Sandbox by 5:40. Mile thought he was hearing things when I had the Burners going Ten Minutes later.

Just as Planned I was finishing the final layer on the Five Inch Bearing Surface before 10:00 and it looked amazing. I put the Burner back under it while I had my first break at the same time as everyone else.

As I was using the Crane to put this Screw back in the Sandbox, Mile commented how nice it looked, then it happened. Having been in this business for over Forty Years he spotted a Crack. The outside temperature was near Springlike today but in the short time it took to move this Unit, it Cracked.

Some places experienced higher Winds.

After grinding out the problem, then once again heating it with the Burner I used the PTA to repair the issue. With the welding again finished I watched in horror as Three more Cracks appeared running around the circumference of the Bearing. The strange part was they were all on one side of the Bearing and the other side looked perfect. Pat, the Consultant mentioned using a certain Filler Rod on the TIG Welder, so that repair will have to wait for another day. I did a lot of grinding so we can get to the Root of the weld when the time comes.

Part of my Plan was to be finished the Bearing so I could do Other Repairs. Those did happen, though I didn’t punch out until 4:30.

It was after 5:00 when I got home, and we were trying to make room in the Fridge and a Shopping List at the same time. Since there wasn’t much of the Stir-Fry left, I made a Vegetarian Omelette that we shared, while Kathy served a Homemade Banana Cake for dessert. It was all good.

With our Appointment tomorrow, we are hoping for a Positive Outcome.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment, unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion, or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


I’d like to get a job cleaning mirrors.

It’s just something I can see myself doing.

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