
Saturday, January 14, 2023

Weekend Planning.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

When I said that I was looking forward to, but not Planning to rest this weekend. I also Planned to go to the Gym, and you know what happened. Someone must have put a Spell over us, and we both got caught up on long lost sleep. I find when that happens, I feel like I’ve been drugged when no Pills or Alcohol were used.

Looking outside when we first got up it looked like it would Rain or at 27 F (-3 C) Sxxw. We simply enjoyed a Muffin and Coffee for breakfast while catching up on our messages and other's activities.

Lunch was Minestrone Soup along with Cantaloupe and Fruit Cake for dessert.

Still feeling achy but with the temperature reaching 30 F (-1 C) under Sunny Skies, we stayed put treating ourselves to a Foot Bath of Epson Salts.

We finally turned on the Television on time to watch the 6 o’clock Local News. Not much of interest that we did not already know from the Internet.

We had Chinese Food straight from our Freezer for supper then watched a couple of Hallmark Movies for entertainment.

Notice I didn’t make it to the Gym. I set the Alarm so that I will get there in the morning with no Planning involved.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You know you’re getting old when the end of your tie doesn't come anywhere near the top of your pants.

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