
Thursday, December 1, 2022

Why and They Were Twins.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

I mentioned the other day about how the Long Hours at work seemed to be wearing me down. Doug had the perfect solution for that, just Retire. How right he is and I loved every minute of it each time I have. Unfortunately, after the problem we had with the Truck I took on what looked like a good job, so we rented an Apartment. The next day I was told I was only hired for the Aluminium Welding that job required and we were both done.

Since we were into a Lease we were stuck for a year and all the Apartment did was eat into our savings even more. The only bright spot was we were settled in when Covid 19 reared its ugly head and put the world in a tailspin. Lots of our fellow Canadian RVers had to scramble back home, then to find somewhere to live the following Winter. Besides all the Death caused by the Virus there were no available jobs to stop our dwindling savings from getting smaller.

It was a struggle working for Paul the Alcoholic Owner of my last job that allowed his Supervisor Kharen to verbally abuse the Employees. The savings were starting to recover until that February day when in a drunken stupor Paul wanted me to do the job in a way I would have gotten killed.

The time off helped me mentally heal but again our savings were heading in the wrong direction. Now besides learning something new to my existing trade we are seeing our savings increase again for our future travels. The only problem is the loss of time beyond a normal shift to spend with Kathy out on the Road. Every time I left a job before it was easy to say “I’m Retired”. The day will come, that I will repeat those words for the last time.

Even the Clouds gave way to the Sun later in the day.

When I went in to work for 6:00 this morning I was not looking forward to the smaller sized Feedscrew that needed to be run in the PTA. It was only slightly different than the one that caused days of Nail-biting and Hair-pulling Panic. The first thing I did today was to tell Mile that it would have been better to widen the Flight instead of having to make all kinds of Touch-Ups. After a few seconds of thought he agreed.

As soon as the Screw was loaded in the Plasma Transfer Arc I added all the measurements based on what the Blueprint showed. I made the necessary markings on the unit, then decided to see which way the Torch was going to move today. Something was wrong. The Torch was only varying slightly and with a quick change of numbers it stayed on course.

I got pulled for a Ten Minute Repair while the Burners were warming it up. A Flap Wheel was used to buff those welds into oblivion.

Yesterday I described how it took Three Hours for a single Flight. Today the entire Feedscrew was welded and touched up in Two Hours. With that done they wanted me to do another unit. The good thing was it was identical to the one I had just completed. The numbers were already there so after it was heated up the welding went even quicker.

We also had Cake for dessert.

With Forty-Four Hours in already this week it felt good to be leaving at 3:30. I got the banking done along with securing a Smaller Storage Unit at Guardian Storage. I even made it home for 5:00 where we recreated Leftover Veggie Stir Fry by adding Chicken. Those were really filling Tasty Wraps.

We’re really looking forward to the weekend.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Rick Astley will let you borrow any movie from his Pixar collection except one. He’s never gonna give you Up.

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