
Sunday, October 16, 2022

Working Out, Talking About Solar and Frozen Veggies.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Since most of my Activity yesterday was driving or sitting at the table I was really starting to feel achy by the time I went to bed last night. There was only one solution to that problem. I was at Planet Fitness by 6:30 this morning and did it feel good. Due to the lower number of visits being made lately it seemed to be a struggle to get going. I only accomplished Twenty-One Miles on the Cardio instead the normal Twenty-Two. After going through all Three Sets on the Free Weights finishing off with a Hot Shower I once again felt human.

Kathy had finished her morning chores and was just getting ready to have breakfast of an Apple when I walked into the Apartment so I had a Banana. We enjoyed our morning Hot Drinks at the Computers before getting ready for an early lunch.

We had Italian Wedding Soup along with the Leftover Nanaimo Bars for dessert. We were soon heading out the door.

I mentioned we met Jim and his wife at our Trailer a short while back. Since he has a Storage Unit at Guardian Storage as well he often noticed the Solar Panels in the raised position. It intrigued him so much he started thinking of doing the same to his own RV. As we have all experienced before that brief get-together gave him the sense of “Information Overload”. Unlike most of us that researched everything On-Line on Umpteen Different Sites he came back with more questions.

Good thing there's lots of space
between us and them.

He was amazed that Kathy had the answers to many of his questions about which Appliances she had used and not overdrawing power on Cloudy Days. Like many people Jim thought that the Solar Panels and a Battery Bank was all that was needed to make it work not realizing that the Inverters were needed to bring it all to life.

He was also distracted because he was in Pain. On Friday he accidentally got his Left Thumb Pinched on a job and will be having it surgically repaired this week. That will give him more time to learn about Solar Power.

With the Gusty Winds blowing we soon left for home. There are still a few things I need to finish this week before the cold weather stays for the Winter.

We needed to use a restroom so we stopped at Tim Horton’s. As usual as a payback for the one service we left with each a Coffee to go.

I managed to get the rest of yesterday’s Blogs and most of today’s read before starting to work on supper. We’ve been having issues with the Fridge in our Apartment being a great Freezer. We just bought some Vegetables yesterday and many of them were already Frozen today. Tomorrow I’ll be stopping at the Office when I get home.

We finally ate just after 7:00. The Veggie Wraps contained Carrots, Cauliflower, Cherry Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Onions, Peppers along with Shredded Mozzarella Cheese.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

There is a crack in everything; that’s how the light gets in.

Leonard Cohen, Canadian singer-songwriter


  1. A lot of folks are amazed I have been running solar since Feb. 2008. They seem to think it is a new thing for RVs.

  2. Oh my, I can't believe someone would have the audacity to park that close to your RV!!!
