
Sunday, October 2, 2022

Windy Again and Birthday Celebration.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Even though I managed to sleep in slightly this morning I also made good use of extra time reading Blogs. I know that I haven’t been leaving all the Comments I normally would do but I am still reading the Blogs on our Sidebar. Some of us think we are having a bad day while others like myself are watching the Weather then you have others that were directly in the path of Hurricane Ian. Fortunately, some have heard from their relatives that were only affected by Power Outages while some on our Sidebar were in the direct path of the storm and have not been heard from since Thursday.

Kathy really wore herself out cleaning inside the Trailer yesterday but there was a big advantage to it all. She had the best night’s sleep in over a week. I woke at my usual weekday rising time and had to coax myself to get a bit more sleep.

We had a Muffin for breakfast before taking our Coffee/Tea over to the Computers. Even though we weren’t feeling the North Wind the Trees out by the Trail were being battered as we watched.

Tyler with Girlfriend Jess.

After checking my E-Mails, I was heading out the door to continue working on the Trailer. Kathy had finished what she needed so she stayed home.

(L-R) Friend Sandy with daughter Karen and sil Greg.

Yesterday’s Wind had blown my Paint Tray from the Roof and caused a Crack in the corner. I stopped at Dollarama to get a couple of replacements before returning to Guardian Storage. Climbing the RV Ladder alone was not an issue, but the High Wind was knocking me flat to the roof. It would be impossible to finish what I wanted but I got a close look and feel of what I put on yesterday. It was totally dry and ready for another coat which was unlike the Stay-Kool Product I had used on our Avalanche Fifth Wheel. It was still Tacky a month after applying it. I’ll post more information about this new product later.

Our grands Kylla, Tyler and Ashley.

I called Kathy to let her know I’d be home early and why. Along the way I stopped at the Pioneer gas station to fuel up the Truck.

(L-R) Rose, Ashley, Tyler and girlfriend Jess
talking about when she was their age.
Back at the Apartment Kathy made Sandwiches and Coffee for lunch. We spent a bit more time at the Computers before leaving around 3:30.

Tyler waving out the candles as Kylla watches.

We headed out to our daughter Karen’s home in Tecumseh where we were invited to help our grandson Tyler celebrate his 21st Birthday. Besides Family and Special Friends both Sanford and Nova were there to add to the festivities and get some extra snuggles along the way. As per usual a Banquet was served, and all gifts were well appreciated.

Lasagna, Potato Wedges, Chicken,
Coleslaw and Salad.

All too soon it was time to say our Good-Byes and head off. Kathy and I dropped Rose Greg’s mother off at her apartment since she only lives a few blocks before our place.

My back as I speak with Kevin about his woodworking.

Due to our spending most of the weekend at the Trailer we’ve got some catching up to do early this week.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You've ever used a weed-eater indoors.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Tyler! Great looking grandkids you have there! :)
