
Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Already Programmed and High Winds.

Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

This morning there was no hunting around for a job to weld at 6:00 since we had already put the Feedscrew on the Inspector’s Bench before leaving yesterday. This was another of those chipped edges on the Flights due to the customer’s insistence that the Number 83 Hard Surfacing Material be used. When it goes to the Mill the Cutters cannot cut it clean. The only way to machine that Material is by Grinding it. It would finally be finished before lunch with a few other jobs being thrown in for quick repairs.

Alec didn’t show up today so that meant a few other jobs didn’t get completed.

When I spoke to Kathy at lunch she said she’d slept in and thought about going out for a walk but the Wind was just blowing a little to hard.

When Mile saw that I was searching through the Feedscrews for something to weld he pointed to Two. The first a Metric Feedscrew I’ll start at 6:00 in the morning and it should be in the Sandbox by noon since I’ve already mounted it on the PTA and programmed the dimensions. The second one is a Ten Inch Feedscrew that we had been having problems chasing Pinholes on the Bearing Surfaces. They finally ground it clean and it will be on the PTA for new Hard Surfacing Material on Friday. It felt good to leave at 3:30.

I was making good time in moderate traffic when I got a call from Kathy. Using the Hands-Free in the Truck she explained the Local Drug Store that I transferred our Files to on Saturday called to say everything was ready.

Stopping at the nearby location I watch as the man in front of me paid by tapping his Bank Card. Just as I was about to pay for ours the Lights flickered. No matter how many times they rebooted the Computer it would not connect to the Internet.

When I finally got home it felt like I was about to fall asleep and I had trouble reading my E-Mail let alone anything else.

For supper we had the Leftover Stir-Fry that we made into Veggie Wraps. I was extra hungry so I had Two.

Our 6 o’clock Local News showed a rise in Coronavirus Cases in our area and the Weather Guesser said we could expect High Winds and Rain tonight. So far we’ve had both. Was he lucky or is he good?

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing. That's why we recommend it daily.

Zig Ziglar, Author, Motivational Speaker.

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