
Saturday, October 22, 2022

As Suspected and Not What We Expected.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

As I mentioned in yesterday’s Blog the way things were not going as Planned at work would end up affecting things here at home.

When I went to work on Friday Mile came out to tell me there was no Friday Afternoon Shift. When I said he must have forgotten to tell me and I was there to work he said “No Problem”.

The Feedscrew that Alec and I rebuilt the night before had worked out perfectly but another had been rejected by the Lead Machinist. (That’s the same person who destroyed a Bearing Surface by using the Arc Welder instead of the TIG to fix a Pinhole.) To show his disapproval he used a Hand Grinder to dig out what nobody else had seen.

Alec helped me load it in the PTA before leaving. While it was warming up he gave me some tips. It wasn’t until he had left for the day that I started the first weld.

Think back that just over a Month ago this particular program was the cause of a lot of Frustrations and Headaches. As I was finishing that repair just after 6:30 Mile came around saying Alec had done a nice job. Think of the look on his face when I said it was my work. His smile was ear to ear.

Since the So-Called Machinist that work the Mill were not in by Law I could not be in the building by myself. Mile said he would stay until I was ready to leave. I showed him the next job I was going to do but he had other ideas. He brought me to the Inspection Bench. There was a Feedscrew that the So-Called Machinists had tried to clean too fast and had chipped the edge of the Flight on nearly the entire length. He just pointed and said I was good at fixing that. (Good thing the Lead Machinist didn’t hear that.)

A little History lesson. I have been Welding since the age of Twelve and have been TIG Welding for over Forty-Five Years. I had better be good.

The infernal Torch that leaked Coolant last week threw the hose Four Times before I finished the job and said good night at 11:00.

Kathy was happy that I got home early but not with the news. Since we had only completed one of the Twenty-Three Foot Feedscrews this week and more Rebuilds were arriving ever day I was told to stay on the Afternoon Shift for another Week by Mile. Like many others we now have to rearrange appointments.

It felt good sleeping a full Eight Hours last night but when I woke this morning I felt stiff and had an Achy Leg. Probably from all that balancing on One Leg while controlling the Welder with the other.

We had Banana Pancakes for breakfast before settling in at the Computers. The Documents I had submitted on Thursday were not complete as far as Tina was concerned so there was more Research to be done. As far as we are concerned things like that were never asked of years ago.

With a small Road Trip planned for this afternoon we headed out the door just after noon and stopped at Taco Bell. We used Coupons to keep our costs down.

This was the first time taking the Car on the 401 Highway and it handled quite well. Another reason for taking the Car is it gets Thirty Plus Miles Per Gallon compared to the Truck that at its best gets Twelve and the price is nearly $1.50/Gallon cheaper.

We arrived at the destination in Chatham and were at first enthused. However after a closer look things were not so good. We left a little down in the mouth but immediately came up with alternate ideas.

We made a stop in Tilbury and it seemed to give us hope. We also swung by Jim’s house just outside of Belle River. He was unfortunately not home. Back in Windsor we stopped at Wendy’s for supper. The one thing we both noticed from this short Road Trip was we were feeling Tired. The Car doesn’t have Static Straps like the Truck so I had better take care of that soon.

The 6 o’clock Local News was warning people to get Booster Vaccines because of the sharp increase of Coronavirus Cases in the area.

Tomorrow we’ll be busy with the Truck.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

It’s one thing for other people to see potential in you, and it’s quite another for you to understand that and see it yourself.

Daisy Ridley, British Actress


  1. Why don't they have a thumb control on the TIG welder? Sounds like it would be more ergonomic in your situation

  2. It is interesting to follow along with the successes, trials and tribulations of your job. I wish I had 1/10th of the talent you have when it comes to welding.
