
Sunday, August 21, 2022

Keeping An Eye Open, Another Failed Attempt, Moving Tools and Lots Of Rain.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

It was a great feeling to not worrying about being anywhere early. When I looked at the Clock at 5:00 I simply rolled over for more much needed sleep.

I thought I could quietly start getting things ready for breakfast so Kathy could have more sleep but when I looked up there she was smiling back at me from the dining table. She sensed my absence and got right up.

We enjoyed French Toast for breakfast along with Juice and our hot beverages we brought over to the Computers.

Even though I’m happy with my present job I am still watching what is available. In 2019 I did not realize I had been hired strictly to complete the Proto-Types and was given my walking papers after delivering them to the customer on Day 89. If that happens again I will be ready.

For lunch it felt good to simply have Chicken Noodle Soup along with Gouda Cheese as a side. Kathy sweetened things up by adding the Leftover Pineapple and a Mini Donut for our dessert.

After finishing the Dishes we soon headed out making our first stop at the Bell outlet at the Tecumseh Mall. After cleaning up the unwanted contacts we inherited when our Contact List were wirelessly moved from our old Cell Phones to our new ones Kathy’s List was nearly empty. Since our Lists were the same I brought my Cord hoping she could simply copy mine over. No matter what was done it would not take. Kathy will have to return with her old Phone and they will try again.

We needed a few quick supplies so we walked to the Dollarama in the Mall for some exercise and getting what we needed. When we came back to the Car the water puddles on the pavement said we’d just missed a storm. Of course we forgot the Camera at home so we missed these pictures.

Next we headed to Guardian Storage where we checked our Mailbox before going to our Climate Controlled Storage Unit. I purchased some Ammo Boxes a few weeks ago so I could take certain things from the Toolboxes to make it easier to find. We checked out the Trailer before leaving.

It was nearly 4:00 so we went to Wendy’s where Kathy had a Summer Strawberry Salad for supper and I had a Spicy Chicken Sandwich with a bowl of Chili rather then Fries. It was early enough that we had the dining room to ourselves and we were enjoying being out. Then we saw more Black Clouds heading our way so we quickly headed back to the Apartment.

On the 6 o’clock Local News a local Bicyclist was dragged an entire block after the driver of the car recovered from the shock of the collision. That made things worse and now the Doctors are just hoping he’ll be out of the Hospital before Christmas.

The Weather Network showed our Humidex felt like 86 F (30 C) with more Rain through tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


I’m so poor I can’t even pay attention.


  1. French toast looks yummy! :) Sure wish we'd get some of your rain!!

  2. Hopefully this company will appreciate your talents and keep you beyond the 90 days. I guess you forgot that your phones have cameras too ;-)
