
Monday, August 29, 2022

Early Start, More Overload, Concerns About Kathy and Ivan Called.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After nearly falling asleep through most of the day I struggled to publish our Blog last night. I made certain to get to bed early. I don’t remember my head hitting the pillow. Other then waking to turn over a couple of times I slept solid until the Alarm went off at 5:00. It never takes long to be heading out the door with most things readied the night before. With a Heat Warning forecasted for today I turned the Air Conditioner on for Kathy before leaving.

That also meant I punched in before 6:00 and was able to start the repairs on a Feedscrew that had to be brought over to the Plasma Transfer Arc Welder. Just as I had figured on Friday it would take Two Hours to complete the task which coincided with Alec’s late arrival.

After getting that Feedscrew mounted in the PTA it was only a matter of minutes before I was given other repairs to do. When I did return Alec was able to explain why I had to do the welding I had done in order for it to be finished on the PTA.

I’m slowly catching on and getting quicker at programming but it still feels like “Information Overload”. I mentioned to Alec that my Age seemed to make it harder for me to absorb this but he claimed to have trained others younger then himself that didn’t get as far as I have.

Good thing the Sun is shining.

There were more repairs done this afternoon along with another new Feedscrew that had the flight tops welded on. There were a couple of Heavy Rainstorms that blew through the area leaving lots of water inside the freight door.

When I called to talk with Kathy at lunchtime her phone immediately went to Voice Mail. I tried a few more times before getting home with the same result which caused me concern. I had Planned on going to the Gym but being worried for her that was changed.

Kathy was surprised when I walked in the Apartment so early. I tried her number standing right next to it only to have it go to Voice Mail. I called the Bell Mobility tech center. The young person blabbered on saying I was doing this and that wrong before saying we needed to bring it back where we purchased it. (I know they will tell me to call Tech Support and I’ll want to reach out and touch someone. I’ll behave but my mouth might not.)

Kathy had walked around Walmart for exercise today and helped a little girl find her Lost Mommy. Then she spotted the Frozen Chinese Food we like “On Sale”. Guess what we had for supper. It was Sweet and Sour Chicken Balls on a bed of Vegetable Rice. We washed it down with a bottle of Carbonated Juice (Fake Wine).

We were still talking when my Cell Phone rang. It was my buddy Ivan calling me. I told him about loosing his number when the Contact Lists were migrated from the old to new phones. Luckily he still had my number but had been busy. They had gone away last weekend.

He remembered us pointing out to Paul that the Post Wash Rinse Conveyor Rail was rotted and about to fail. Paul had ignored our warnings but the other day it broke down leaving quite a mess. Paul wanted Ivan to fix it but was told he wasn’t a Welder. I told him to tell Paul to get a Contractor in to fix his mess.

I mentioned Paul had called my number a few times but I won’t be calling him. At that point I had to brag about my new job and saying I had been there longer than I have. Ivan and I will talk again soon.

I barely got off the phone when the Torrential Rain hit so hard that it knocked over Kathy’s Potted Plants on the Balcony. She had to wait for it to easy up before standing them closer to the building.

The Weather Network showed that we felt like 102 F (39 C) this afternoon and the Wind Gusts reached 39 MPH.

We’ll visit our local Bell Outlet tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


A blind guy walks into a store and starts swinging his seeing eye dog around his head. An employee comes over and nervously asks if he can help. The blind guy replies, “No thanks. I’m just looking around.”

1 comment:

  1. There were wild rain storms all over the province today!
