
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Replacement Being Replaced, Paved Parking Lot and Worst Nightmare.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

After not taking anything last night for the Congestion we’ve both been fighting lately we were surprised to sleep fairly well and still being able to breathe with ease.

Breakfast was a Muffin and we sipped our morning Coffee/Tea while checking Messages On-Line. It was while I was looking at the Job Ads that I saw my Replacement at my former place of employment was being replaced after only Two Weeks. The last time I spoke to Ivan he doubted this person would last very long and he was right.

I didn’t have time to sit there long however because I had work to do. Luckily since I do Forty-Five Days worth of Medication Doucettes at a time it is not always on a Saturday Night and it actually saves me time.

The Paver starting to Asphalt past
the freshly made Curb in the parking lot.

I set up on our dining table while Kathy jumped between reading on the Computer and watching the Contractors. They poured the Cement Curbs this morning and by the end of the day would have the first layer of Asphalt laid down.

While I was busy we had an interruption by the New Manager. Even though we had a New Toilette installed recently it would have to be replaced again today. The Two People that were sent in to do this took nearly an Hour and still struggled to do the job. I also had to remove our Toilette Cabinet as it no longer fits because this unit is taller. I’ll modify it tomorrow.

We didn’t have our lunch until nearly 2:00 and we were both feeling it. Kathy is Diabetic and I’m Hypoglycemic and our Sugar Levels were dropping. Not wanting to spoil our supper we only had Chicken Noodle Soup for lunch.

Once that was finished I cleaned up the Celery Root we got the other day. When I had it boiling on the stove I continued cleaning the Pineapple we also bought. With the Pineapple in the Fridge and the Celery Root cooling I also cut the stalks off the Broccoli so it could be stored as well. Kathy was surprised when I breaded and cooked the Celery Root for our supper. Tasty, Filling and Healthy all in one sentence. Dessert was a Mint.

The 6 o’clock Local News reported on the School Shooting in Texas. Very Sad.

The Weather Network showed we only reached a high of 68 F (20 C) but should soon start warming up.

Lots of Bloggers have been having issues with changes made by Blogger itself. For the last Three Weeks I have been making Comments on most of the Blogs we follow but after I hit the Publish Button many just disappear. When I go back to check they are not in the Comment Section. I’ll ask our Blog Readers to check their Spam Comment Section just in case that is where my Comments are ending up. If so you will have to mark them as not being Spam so that Blogger will except them as legit.

After doing the Dishes the kitchen was officially closed for the day. While I was starting to write this Blog I heard a Crash from the other room. My Worst Nightmare! I’ll tell you more tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Words of Inspiration

They also serve who only stand and wait.

John Milton, English Intellectual


  1. When comments disappear hit the back arrow, and you will see them again.

    You left us with a cliffhanger!

  2. I am getting your comments on my blog. I am only able to comment on anyones blog if I sign into Chrome and read blogs there. A royal pain for me which is why my commenting is not as often as it used to be.
