
Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Getting Things Straightened Around, Scheduled An Interview and That’s Not Good.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Neither of us had any problem sleeping last night but someone had trouble waking up this morning. With the lack of Sun due to Fog the morning started out a little dismal.

Kathy walked in while I was chopping Peppers, Onions and Celery to go into an Omelette I was making. While it was cooking I also had the chance to clean off a few Mandarin Oranges to go with it. We weren’t hungry until lunch.

Before we could sit at the Computers this morning the House Phone was ringing. It was the Canadian Heart Clinic verifying Kathy’s appointment for Friday. Checking our Calendars that Kathy marks all our appointment on she had another appointment listed. She thought our Family Doctor’s Office had called to give her the details so I had to make a few calls before getting it straightened around. Since the start of the Coronavirus Shutdowns she stopped wearing her Hearing Aides because the Mask would pull them out of her ears when she took it off and she didn’t want to lose them. She had not heard correctly what the appointment was actually for. Glad we got that straightened up.

There were a few Job Ads to read over this morning so I applied for Two of them. Within Twenty Minutes my Cell Phone was ringing. I now have an Interview scheduled for tomorrow.

We had Italian Wedding Soup for lunch with Pineapple Shortcake for dessert.

A week after leaving my last job I removed the Wafer Battery from my Automatic Welding Shield so it would not corrode the contacts. I went out to the Truck after lunch to reinstall the Battery so it would be ready for tomorrow’s interview. Trying my best I couldn’t find where I had stored it. Back in the Apartment I told Kathy I’d need to get Batteries but would wait until after the News was over.

For supper we shared a Half Rack of Spare Ribs along with an Acorn Squash. Then we finished the Mixed Berry Crumble Pie with Cool Whip for dessert.

The 6 o’clock Local News talked about the War Crimes being committed by the Russian Army in Ukraine and 46 Active Coronavirus Cases for the Windsor/Essex Region.

The Weather Network showed we reached a high of 52 F (11 C) with Rain heading our way for tomorrow.

It was close to 7:30 when we arrived at Princess Auto. This was where I had bought my Hobart Automatic Welding Shield and the Replacement Batteries for it. Heading straight to the Welding Supply section I was surprised to not find the Batteries. Finding an Associate I was shocked when told the Batteries had been discontinued. That’s not good. Since my Shield would be useless until I find the Batteries I spotted another Automatic Welding ShieldOn Sale” for $29.99. That’s an unbelievable price.

Back at the Apartment it took time to get the New Welding Shield set up but at least I’m ready. Now I just remembered where I stored that Battery.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You go to a wedding or any formal party and ask someone to pull your finger.