
Friday, March 25, 2022

Rainy Start, Recreating and Comment Responses.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Since I’ve been having a problem sleeping at night lately I automatically took an Extra Strength Tylenol before going to bed last night. I must have been tired enough that I actually had a fairly decent sleep. Another thing I thought about was how getting up even earlier to go to the Gym had worked so well that I repeated it getting up at 5:00 this morning.

After a quick snack before I was out the door and at Planet Fitness by 5:40. Of course the forecasted Rain was on schedule helping our area to green up for Spring. It seemed that because of the Rain I beat the rush this morning and was already doing my Cardio Exercise before the place started to fill. It was 8:45 as I headed back to the Car.

When I walked into the Apartment it was eerily silent. I’ve mentioned before that it is not uncommon for Kathy and I to have alternate restless nights. Last night was her turn. As we had breakfast she described her restless night to me and it mirrored exactly what I had been going through.

At the Computers we both did our own thing. There were no Job Ads that needed my attention. Strangely my eyes grew heavy requiring a Snap to put me back on track.

When it came time for lunch I chopped a Red Pepper, Celery Stalk and Onion for an Omelette. I also warmed up the Leftover Corn Beef Hash then folded it in the Omelette with Grated Cheese. Kathy served Date Squares and a Shared Apple for dessert. It all tasted great and we must have been hungry because we had no problem eating it all.

When we finished lunch we went back to the kitchen where I chopped an Onion and another Celery Stalk while Kathy put the Chicken in the Crock Pot. We should get a few meals from that size Chicken.

Checking the Comments on Yesterdays Post I had to chuckle. First I have no intention of going back to work for Paul. Many times I had wanted to walk out but as things kept getting worse when he told me to do the job his way (I would have been severely injured if I had) or take my tools and leave I knew it was time to go. As for being an Independent Contractor I would need to have a Business License along with a list of other things. I know the jobs Paul wanted me to do by myself and they all required Two People. I’ll just keep looking elsewhere for employment and leave Paul stew over his own Shortsightedness.

For supper we had Hot Chicken Sandwiches.

The Sun finally broke though the Clouds.

The 6 o’clock Local News reported 34 Active Coronavirus Cases in the Windsor/Essex Region.

The Weather Network showed we reached a high of 45 F (7 C) with colder temperatures heading our way tomorrow with possible flurries.

We’ll see what the weekend brings our way.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


I tried to catch some fog. I mist.

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