
Monday, March 28, 2022

RA Is Back and The Drawback To Working.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Being tired from my early hours then getting to bed later last night I had no trouble sleeping and only getting up when Kathy woke this morning but she had a problem. She has had Rheumatoid Arthritis in her Left Hand back in 2018 and it went away. When she woke this morning her Right Hand was all painfully swollen. She tried using an Ice Pack to try to bring the swelling down. We kept breakfast lite today.

The only thing different on the Computer this morning were the Blogs we follow. The Job Ads were the same as yesterday.

This morning's temperatures.

We received a call from our Accountant’s Office saying our Income Tax Returns were finished so we set up a time to pick them up early this afternoon.

With Kathy’s Hand still causing her pain I dug through our Medication Box and found the extra pills our Doctor had prescribed for her to have on hand in case she would have a flare up. Carefully examining the listed dosages I simply gave her Two Tablets to ease the pain but will only give her One Tablet from here for a few days. If it has not subsided by the weekend she’ll be seeing our Doctor.

We chose to have Grilled Cheese Sandwiches for lunch with Olive garnishings before topping it off with a Rice Crispy Square and some Grapes for dessert.

With Kathy’s Hand still bothering her we left for our appointment a little early and stopped at the nearby Shoppers Drug Mart. We checked the Wrist/Hand Supports they had in stock. Along with the Medications the Support will help protect the Hand and allow it to heal with less Pain.

At our Accountant’s Office we learned that the Seven Plus Months that I worked last year helped our bottom line but caused a negative issue when it came to our Taxes.

We stopped at Guardian Storage to collect our Mail. From there we headed to Zehr’s grocery store to get some produce to make it through the week. The Fridge/Freezer we have in the Apartment has the same capacity as the one we have in our Trailer so we are not able to stock up the way we would like.

From there we drove to Canadian Tire looking for another Snake Plant but unfortunately they were sold out. We did pick up AA and AAA Batteries that were “On Sale”.

After seeing a commercial on Television the other night we swung by the A&W Drive-Thru and picked up a couple of Teen Burgers for our supper. We used Two Insulated Shopping Bags to bring them home in. I dropped Kathy at the front door of our building before parking the Car. When we ate the Burgers they were still quite warm and tasty.

The 6 o’clock Local News reported 13 Active Coronavirus Cases in the Windsor/Essex Region.

The Weather Network showed we reached a high of 30 F (-1 C) today. Starting tomorrow we will make our way to more seasonable temperatures.

The swelling in Kathy’s Hand has gone down and she has taken another Tablet this evening. She’ll also be wearing the Support to bed until her Hand is feeling better.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


You Might Be a Redneck If

You've ever absentmindedly nibbled on your live bait and didn't spit it out.


  1. As an arthritis sufferer myself, I feel for you Kathy, not fun when flares happen. Perhaps a quick look at the foods that can cause flare ups might be of help. I've also found that mittens instead of gloves help as well, even at this time of the year ( I find that if my hands get cold the pain and swelling isn't far behind). Support is always helpful but also some stretching exercises might be of benefit if you can manage them every day. Even just a few minutes every morning and evening can help with stiffness and pain. Good luck, I hope the flare up is short lived.

    1. I have a brace on and it seems to help let my hand relax. When I take it off I exercise my hand as best I can. I don't baby it and continue on as best I can. I have had this for awhile as I was diagnosed with RA.

  2. I certainly hope Kathy's arthritis symptoms improve with the medication and wrist/hand support.

    Your blog is my reminder that I have yet to get all my tax stuff together to take to the CPA :-(

    Does Canada have the same filing times as the USA?

  3. We have to have it in by April 30th. I think you have to have it in by the 15th of April.
