
Thursday, February 3, 2022

Freezing Outside and Promising Job Interview.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

With yesterday’s forecast for the next couple of days saying we could see a Foot of Snow it seemed that everyone was getting ready. Last night when I got home from work I tried covering the Truck’s Windshield with a Plastic Tarp. It worked quite well saving me plenty of time this morning. Within Five Minutes from the time I reached the Truck I was headed to work.

When I pulled into the yard I was surprised to see that lots of Snow had already been plowed. When I rounded the corner there was the Pickup with the Snow Plow attached parked by the building. I’d barely gotten my belongings inside when Paul came to talk to me. He had been up at 3:00 in the morning but left the tight spots for me to do with the ATV. There had been no doubt what my day would be like and I had dressed in Layers for the occasion.

I was outside plowing as many of the line workers were just arriving and I would continue until 9:00. There was more to be done but the Fuel Indicator was telling me I had less then a Quart of Gasoline in the tank.

After parking the ATV in the Warehouse I started working on Carriers until I saw Paul. When I told him about the Gasoline he was quick to give me the keys to his truck and money to fill the Jerry Cans. What he did not allow for was the recent spike in prices which meant each Can only contained Four Gallons.

I was still cold from the earlier plowing when the Shipping and Receiving Clerk asked me to plow the Loading Dock Ramps. Trucks were having trouble leaving because of the slippery slope. I spent another Hour cleaning the salting the Ramps. They were happy with the effort but comparing it to the job the Plow on the Pickup does it was far from perfect. The larger unit has more weight so it cleans much better.

I was still cold when I spoke to Kathy on my lunch. I had gotten a Text from another Job Agency wanting to talk to me.

As I straightened more Carriers Paul came around suggesting that I park the Pickup back in the Warehouse so it would be ready if needed again in the morning. Back outside I was shocked when the Pickup would not start. (Did Paul know that would happen?) It’s an older Cummings engine on a Manual Transmission which means you let the Glow Plugs warm up before depressing the Clutch then turning the Key. After a second failed attempt I brought our Truck next to it and boosted it. Amazing what Newer Batteries will do.

After I drove into the Warehouse the Dock Workers were amazed that I easily backed the unit Two Hundred Feet through the obstacle maze without touching anything along the way. Having maneuvered our Forty Foot Fifth Wheel through some tricky spots gave me a little advantage.

When I looked at the Clock it was time to leave and I was so cold that I wore my fairly clean Coveralls home. I spent another Ten Minutes cleaning off the Truck before heading for home.

I’ve driven in worse conditions and know to reduce my speed in advance of any turns or stops. I had slowed to Five MPH but when I touched the Brake to get into our parking lot the Truck skidded right past. I did the only thing I could by turning into the next Apartment Complex and getting back on the road to go home.

Still snowing.

I spoke with the Employment Agency that had texted me and it looks promising. When she asked where I was working she gasped when I told her. She then started reading reports to me against it. It’s no wonder they can’t hold on to employees.

For supper we had a Store Bought Medium Thin Crust Bacon Pizza with Carbonated Juice as our beverage.

The 6 o’clock Local News reported another 5 Coronavirus Deaths for the Windsor/Essex Region today.

The Weather Network showed that we reached a high temperature of 21 F (4-6 C). The Snow will end around 9:00 this evening but it will be a colder day tomorrow.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


Why did the students eat their homework?

Because their teacher told them it was a piece of cake.


  1. Have my fingers crossed this job comes through for you. Good luck.

  2. Hope that interview rewards you with much better working conditions!

  3. Fingers and toes crossed for the new job.

  4. Good luck with the new job interview. It's a little cool down here in the Southwest but that is about to end we're heading back to the seventies.
    You two take care.

  5. That is most unusual that someone would read those type of reports. That would not be common practice for anyone with extensive HR experience. However, hope she offers you an escape.

  6. It seems odd to me that you are the one to plow the yard. This should be a job for the folks that work on the loading dock. You were hired to be a welder, not a janitor. The fact that the person at the employment agency reacted the way she did when you told her where you worked is telling. Good luck on a new job.

  7. Fingers crossed this new job comes through. Then you can be done with under-appreciation in all its forms at the current job.

  8. By now Paul knows you can do anything that's needed. That's good, and that's bad. If you worked in a reasonable place, that would be good. So glad you made it home in spite of the slide. Maybe you could say you couldn't make it to work in the morning? Haha. Nobody would believe you. No matter the conditions out there.
