
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Flurries and “We’re Not Moving”.

 Our Location today is Windsor, Ontario.

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

Looking outside when I first got out of bed this morning did not look too promising as the small Snowflakes swirled just outside the Balcony Door. I managed to get things ready for breakfast and start checking the Local News before Kathy joined me. She claimed she was in a deep sleep and didn’t even feel me leave the bed.

It looks dull due to Snow Flurries.

Once again all the Job Ads in my field were those I had already applied for except the one in British Columbia to which Kathy said, “We’re not moving.”

The Flurries continued throughout the morning with no noticeable accumulation.

For lunch we shared a Ham Salad Sandwich along with Split Pea with Ham Soup. For dessert we had Rice Crispy Squares and Yogurt Cups.

We kept busy at the Computers. Since I was doing research for the Data Entries for the Krackers part of our Blog I was surprised but elated at the same time when I ran into a few contributors that I quickly downloaded over Two Hundred Quotes that I would not have had otherwise. The reason I constantly look for fresh materials is that I don’t like to post the same things over and over. If I do it is purely by accident.

The Sun made a few appearances this afternoon.

Since we weren’t very active today we also weren’t very hungry so Kathy made us Toasted Cheese Sandwiches topped off with a piece of Fruit Cake for dessert.

On the 6 o’clock Local News they were again reporting 28 Active Coronavirus Cases for the Windsor/Essex Region along with another Coronavirus Death.

The Weather Network showed we had a high temperature of 27F (-3 C) was a constant for the entire day and even though it will get colder through the night we should see the same temperature for the next Two Days before we see temperatures above the Freezing Mark again.

I spent the evening getting caught up on my Blog reading.

Thanks for following along and feel free to leave a comment unless it personally attacks someone for their opinion or is Spam.

Be Safe and Enjoy!

It’s about time.


What is small, red and whispers?

A hoarse radish.

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